Reputation repair post, all payouts go to curators!

in #flagwars6 years ago (edited)

To all my fellow steemians, it was great to join the flagwars, but now I need some help with repairing reputation score so I can start posting some serious content.

This post has declined payout, so all revenue goes to the curators... You!

I just need your vote, not your money... Unless you can give me some serious cash?



Thanks in advance


If you buy some big upvotes you can boost that Rep. Use some of that steem to buy some upvotes it will move you up quick. I gave you my little upvote and resteemed it for you. I found it because @enforcer48 resteemed.

Thanks @iamstan

I am trying to use steem like most normal users who wouldn't have access to large funds. It's important for us to understand the user journey of the average steemian who joins.

If a plankton who gets flagged down to -5 by an abusive whale, what are they to do if they don't have money to pay for bots?

I want to see if the steem community is capable of managing this.

I hope the best for you. Honestly maybe you should talk to the the group that got you in a flag war to begin with. Lots of big fish in that? Any of them care about you? I dont see one upvote from any of them?

Thank you :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Do you still lose rep if you get a downvote on a post with "payout declined"?

I think so, yes. But I can't be certain

Apparently declining rewards has little to no effect on protecting your rep.

Yes, the idea was to get votes that didn't reduce peoples voting power, but would increase rep. I was voted into the negatives by an abusive whale

@kabir88, after speaking to @themarkymark, it appears that @freezepeach is the only account even remotely focused on mitigating abusive downvotes.

Please consider delegating a few steem to @freezepeach to show at least token support for their valiant efforts.

How much cash you need? Just don't be greedy....and no, I can't help you with crypto.. :))

$1bn, I accept Bitcoin ;)

So, before you got into this flagwar, what was your rep? Did you have fun? Did you manage to do any good through it? (Just curious.)

Good luck!

I was on 40+ and was posting regularly. You can see it all in my blog feed.

As for fun... I have to admit, it was enjoyable working with others to put a stop to the #BeastofSteem

You can see his payouts were massively reduced by our collective effort and all the payouts that were removed, went back to the reward pool and was distributed to other steem users. So I feel it was good and worth doing.

Would I do it again, yes!

If we let steem become dominated by spammers, whether they be plankton or whales, we all lose in the long term as new users will get turned off and go back to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Twitter.

The real value of STEEM comes from its user base, whether they are plankton or minnows. It's their attention that makes this platform valuable

Haha heajin came to flag this post. We must ask why?

What is he do afraid of about what I am saying?

In times where lies are being spread so easily, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act.

Yeah, I could see you were posting regularly, but couldn't find anywhere that showed your old rep. I'm glad you had fun and did some good. Good luck in getting back up there.

Rep is dynamic. I don't think you can go back to an old post to see what @kabir88 had. Not on anyways.

The only way would be to see a screen shot I think he was talking about that and he has it in some post maybe?@kabir88

I didn't take a screenshot as I didn't expect to have to prove my historic reputation score.

Who would have thought a whale would come along and flag all my posts?

Anyway - those who have followed me since the early days know what happened and that's good enough.

I guess if someone was really curious, they could add up all my upvotes and downvotes and re-engineer it as all the data is on the blockchain

I'm kinda shocked that bernie got back up in one post and you are still at 4.

Have you seen that guys wallet? He also operates a number of different accounts.

I found this oldy!

Congrats my friend! xo <3 <3 43!!

thanks - and thank you for your continued support, it really helped keep me going on steem

Least I can do for someone with a heart of gold <3

Are you sure that voters still get curation when payout is declined?

I was wondering about this too, as I've also seen others mention it. I've attached a screenshot from steemworld of my pending payout for voting on this post - as you can see it appears to be declined. In any case, good to see your rep has returned to positive numbers :)


thanks for checking, looks like we are all learning as we go on this platform!

That's a good question, I have seen others state this in their blogs, so I assumed they were correct. But I can't find a source to confirm it.

It would be a cool feature if so.

Now that you're positive, you can now build your own rep up.

Yes, the hardest part was getting up from -5 as it works on a log scale

Posted using Partiko Android

I have often wondered why no one has built a rep raper yet. You could simply upvote yourself on autopilot and decline payouts.

I have often wondered why no one has built a rep raper yet. You could simply upvote yourself on autopilot and decline payout.

You can say that again!

I have often wondered why no one has built a rep raper yet. You could simply upvote yourself on autopilot and decline payout.

Repeat. Repeat!

This comment has been downvoted by @haejin as part of his flag war against minnows who speak out against him. To learn more about the start of this war, please vistit this post for a list of blockchain-verifiable events regarding the cause of this war.

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