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RE: Reputation repair post, all payouts go to curators!

in #flagwars6 years ago

Obviously men were not such weak little punks in those days. Today is not the same. Let me ask you. Do you drink coffee from Starbucks? Watch Movies produced by Hollyweird?
If so how can you give that up for revolution? Have you ever read this? A good example of what is true and that no one is doing anything about it. FEAR rules today sorry to say.
Why did you stop flagging?


But times have changed, the weapon of revolution was force. Today it is information.

We could bring down the whole banking system if everyone switched to Bitcoin. And you could do all that from your bedroom.

We can still enjoy a hot beverage or watch a film.

I very rarely go to Starbucks, unless I am travelling and they are the only option as for Hollywood, I watch most of my content on Netflix which is a mixture of big studios and small independents.

I still go and flag but there isn't as much need anymore as the payouts are a lot less and he has stopped spreading BS about cryptocurrency. He's moved that to some subscription site. I follow @flagtarget and flag the posts they resteem. I am also using some of my voting power to repair my reputation score!

Wow great answer you are 100 percent correct.

I have never had one Starbucks drink or food, I have not been to a movie in 25 years. I stopped watching tv unless we have a weather issue then I turn on the news. I have not eaten out at a restaurant in 5 years. So I am fighting the machine more than most. There are many other ways I am fighting back but most forget the first and best way to fight back is where we spend our money.

I eat organic food so I dont support Big Ag and Ag chemical or GMO companies.

I have my property debt free, so I do not support the banksters. I actually only use currently interest free loans. and I make money from all my banking deals currently.

I am not much invested in Crypto it is way to volatile for me.

We all need to realize that the ideas and interest of the money powers and their propaganda artist are not in our best interest.

Crazy that you have had Starbucks and I have not. I once met someone in a Starbucks parking lot to go somewhere else lol. That's the only time I was ever in a Starbucks parking lot.

BTW it looks like @fulltimegeek,@sherlockholmes got your rep back up congrats!

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