
The only way would be to see a screen shot I think he was talking about that and he has it in some post maybe?@kabir88

I didn't take a screenshot as I didn't expect to have to prove my historic reputation score.

Who would have thought a whale would come along and flag all my posts?

Anyway - those who have followed me since the early days know what happened and that's good enough.

I guess if someone was really curious, they could add up all my upvotes and downvotes and re-engineer it as all the data is on the blockchain

I'm kinda shocked that bernie got back up in one post and you are still at 4.

Have you seen that guys wallet? He also operates a number of different accounts.

I found this oldy!

Thats close to a screenshot. I looked for something in your posts lol. I trusted that you had a higher rep before. I think you deserve a higher rep than many who have fake high reps here.
To bad the rep system is not based on actual good behavior and not on what whale likes you or if you have used bidbots.
Just like our sick world its messed up here too. We have about the same opportunity here to make a difference like in the world. The only behavior that is truly rewarded here on a large scale is submission to the money powers whims.

Confront them, stand up for the weak, you will be crushed like a grape.

"Confront them, stand up for the weak, you will be crushed like a grape."

I don't subscribe to that. Luckily, there are more of us then there are them. When the French realised this hundreds of years ago, they were able to topple a monarchy and create an amazingly prosperous nation. Even today, the French enjoy free healthcare, great pensions and a good quality of life.

Vive la revolution I say ;)

Obviously men were not such weak little punks in those days. Today is not the same. Let me ask you. Do you drink coffee from Starbucks? Watch Movies produced by Hollyweird?
If so how can you give that up for revolution? Have you ever read this? A good example of what is true and that no one is doing anything about it. FEAR rules today sorry to say.
Why did you stop flagging?

But times have changed, the weapon of revolution was force. Today it is information.

We could bring down the whole banking system if everyone switched to Bitcoin. And you could do all that from your bedroom.

We can still enjoy a hot beverage or watch a film.

I very rarely go to Starbucks, unless I am travelling and they are the only option as for Hollywood, I watch most of my content on Netflix which is a mixture of big studios and small independents.

I still go and flag but there isn't as much need anymore as the payouts are a lot less and he has stopped spreading BS about cryptocurrency. He's moved that to some subscription site. I follow @flagtarget and flag the posts they resteem. I am also using some of my voting power to repair my reputation score!

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