Flags, flags, flags... Are you sure you understand how this works?

in #flags7 years ago (edited)

When the price goes up we tend to get new users.  I feel almost like we are being trolled by a group of traders who have recently joined the community and want to argue with everyone about how the system works, but how it works is really quite simple....

 Simple Explanation of how the reward system works:

  • Each day the Steem Blockchain creates new Steem 
  • That Steem is distributed via our votes
  • The more stake you hold the more your votes are worth
  • When you post (or comment) the community has 3 options
    • upvote
    • downvote/flag
    • no action
  • A post is active for 7 days
  • When that week is over you get to claim whatever the balance is.

Whether or not you like how it works, that is all there is to it.  Anyone can flag anyone at anytime for any reason during the 7 days.  After that is all just drama and "reaction".

We give lip service to the reasons we think people should flag... But the blockchain doesn't care.

Those with the most stake can give the biggest upvotes and downvotes.  Their stake gives them the right to allocate those funds.

There have been calls to @ned to fix the system, but the system is supposed to be decentralized and without an Authority.  So, that means each and everyone of us that does not like the way the reward pool is being allocated has a responsibility in either working on flagging and re-allocating the reward pool or accepting it the way it is.

The tools we hold:

  • Our upvotes and our flags (powered by your SteemPower)
  • Our voices and blog page to try to sway others
  • Which witnesses we support to represent our voices 

Use you voice, but gee whiz the drama level is off the charts on some posts.




Well said! It's up to us to make the system work. We're so anti-authoritarian until there's something we don't like, then we go looking for some authority to fix it for us.

Yeah, it's crazy how some people here want Steemit Inc to step in and 'fix' something that basically works as intended.

Those people probably don't fully understand how exactly it works.

At least one person understood that point! Thank you. :)

Here is another one who understands. You explained it soo simple. The funny thing is that no one wants to leave the platform, but just complaining and want Ned to fix it. It's our platform now, but again, nobody forcing us to stay or buy SP.

That is why I know we are on to something good! When this many people complain, but do not leave it is a business's dream come true!


I'm hodling like crazy.

True. Means they must be doing something right

Exactly! It was created to work a certain way and that's what's happening. Why don't people get that?

You win the internet for the week. #haejinranchodownvote brought me here.

I flagged this post because.... Awww who am I kidding.

The bottom line is that the community is supposed to be self policing, that is the whole point of the flagging system, and why it is not going to get changed anytime soon. This is working as intended!

And when it doesn't work as intended, it is our responsibility to correct the corrections. Or something like that!

Correct, correct and correct again. :)


You're super wonderful at seeing things in a way that really resonate and help people understand this is one of the main reasons I put myself up for adoption after reading some of your information I am seriously so lucky that I am your pet minnow! You have so much incredible knowledge to share and I love every time I learned something new from you which is basically like every day! This is a really excellent point and I am so glad that you spoke up and said so as this community will always be what we make it.

I need a drink in Mexico. :) I hope you had a great Christmas and New year.

many many cheers!!

If one wants to have a strong opinion on how things should work on Steemit, one should first get to know this platform, get to know the community and maybe get a little bit vested.

There seems to be an influx of people screaming drama with 25 reputation and no real contribution to this platform whatsoever. I fully support this @whatsup post.

Those who agree can help inform and set the culture to reflect this by talking about in the same ways.

been trying.. seems a lot of tone-deafness going on. Too busy screaming drama.

Did someone say 'drama'?

I haven't had my daily fix of drama yet. :-)

Haha, I love drama

Its absurd when any newbie tells me how steemit works.... LOL

I only hate one about one thing which i want steemit to really do is about spammers begging for votes and asking to follow.

Awesome clarification. I've been a bit confused the whole flaging stuff. I didn't even know that counted as a downvote or that it costed you a vote at all. Let alone the fact that there is voting power. I learn more each day and appreciate posts that lay things out simple for us lowly minnows.

It does seem like the amount of flagging has spiked again in the past week or so and a lot of it is over one individual targeting another over a disagreement about the value and frequency of that person's payouts. I won't mention any names and I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. I've stayed out of it and I'm staying out of it because I don't want to get pulled into the drama as I don't even have enough time to do as much good work here as I want to do.

As far as new users getting flagged...Many have been saying this for awhile but it's crucial for newcomers to understand what behaviors / actions are likely to get them flagged and how to at least try and avoid it.

I've been here about 5 months and I've very rarely flagged anyone, especially new people. If they're doing something like plagiarising then I'll try to explain that's generally not tolerated here and hope that will lead them to learning what's generally acceptable / not acceptable here (I say generally because there's so many different opinions and very very few concrete rules).

But yeah, the drama is back. It had died down for awhile and the short-lived low drama era was nice while it lasted...

I think we are not used to living in a decentralized environment and when people don't like what is happening they scream for someone else to fix it.

What we are doing (even with the drama) is how we are practicing living without hard fast rules, learning to be tolerant of other ideas, and...

Drum roll.
Votes do not belong to you until the post is closed. Nobody can take something from you that you do not yet own.

Hi @whatsup, I recently started following your posts and I have noticed that your analysis are based on naked truth. You suggest very good points that can help Steemit become a better platform. This is really good sir and appreciable.

This is one of the best post on Steemit Flags by the end of the year.

Thumbs up.

I am so glad that you recognize how incredible @whatsup is & are resteeming all of this greatness!

Thank you for putting together this informative post on the complex subject of flag. I am sure it will help the newer members to the community to understand how to use it better.Great explanation thanks.

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