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RE: Vote Negation? Flag Review Council? Other Solutions?

in #flagging8 years ago

How about something really crazy like leaving people alone and letting ideas get voted on according to their own merit. If you see something you don't like or doesn't interest you, keep scrolling. If people's posts don't get votes because they're generally not interesting (or offensive) they don't get votes. Of course it would mean getting rid of bots (something else I favor).


Upvoted, followed for the "leaving people alone" part, but killing the poor little bots seems a little gas chamberish for my blood. The robots are here. you cannot fight the future. If we don't embrace this technology that makes it easier for investors to mine with their stake, then Golos eats our lunch.

Story of my life...seems like I've spent my whole life fighting the future.

I'm not a fan of creating a council unless it is something that develops organically from within the community.

Get rid of the witnesses too... lol

LOL... too much for some... I don't tend to flag unless it on my posts, my "property", my "business", and even then I usually leave trolls alone rather than feed them, except today someone who decided they wanted to flag me because $5 is overrewarded on a post they don't even understand and then wanted to flag all my others posts as well about this issue, saying I'm the only person they ever flagged. Well I flagged them back for that crap.

I was the person @krnel flagged. I don't think I qualify as a troll either, thank you very much.

It's pretty ironic that you asked me a question and censored my responses. But I am not surprised considering I flagged you in the first place. The difference between you and I are that I really do not care if you flag any of my content, and in fact welcome you to. I will not flag this post since you are trying to have a conversation about how to improve the system overall. I disagree with introducing more bureaucracy into the mix by having a flag council, however.

As I mentioned before, the root of this problem is that the dollar amount associated with a post is an estimate until the payout occurs. That value is always in flux, as stake is allocated and removed, flags are applied, etc. Showing someone a high amount with the false expectation that it will stay that high is creating cognitive dissonance, and making people feel bad. I think having the estimated payout amount be shown so prominently in the UI may be psychologically unhealthy. I propose a visual indicator of some UI component that shows the relative value of one post vs. other posts instead.

I think having the estimated payout amount be shown so prominently in the UI may be psychologically unhealthy.

Most definitely. Just look at the mess it has caused in the past week.

I've been on here since Nov and I don't remember flagging anybody. I'm not saying I wouldn't, but I haven't yet.