Muh! KrNel Only Cares About the Money! He Doesn't Even Respond to Comments!

in #comments8 years ago (edited)

Ok ignoramous, it's fun to live in a fantasy of your own making isn't it? Ever go to look at my comment page?

Here's some help!

Re: Is the available supply of Steem decreasing?
That post was on the same day as the HF16 proposal. Here is the post about the changes and differences:
1 12 days ago by krnel 76 in inflation
Re: Does Competition in News or Information Markets Promote Truth?
I've already pointed out the irrationality of your arguments thus far. Now you're grasping at more irrational straws.…
$0.00 0 23 days ago by krnel 76 in truth
Re: Does Competition in News or Information Markets Promote Truth?
It's also ridiculous to require someone to only vote up a post after it has reached certain number of viewers. LOL.
$0.00 0 43 days ago by krnel 76 in truth
Re: Does Competition in News or Information Markets Promote Truth?
You're ridiculous. Every single post? Go look at all my posts int he past month and you tell me after you actually…
1 03 days ago by krnel 76 in truth
Re: Does Competition in News or Information Markets Promote Truth?
I modded it to make it more specific. "Rewarding anyone based on no criteria established on the platform itself, makes…
1 13 days ago by krnel 76 in truth
Re: Does Competition in News or Information Markets Promote Truth?
Good interpretation, thanks for the feedback ;) Yeah everyone please read the long post, it's worth it if the topic…
10 03 days ago by krnel 76 in truth
Re: Escrow agents homepage
0.500 Telegram @krnel
$0.00 0 03 days ago by krnel 76 in test
Re: Over-Eating and Waste Account for a 20% Loss to the World Food Supply
Thanks ;)
1 03 days ago by krnel 76 in sustainability
Re: Does Cannabis Cultivation Have Negative Environmental Impacts?
Yeah, it's sad people aren't very conscientious about the impact they have on the environment and all of us because…
1 13 days ago by krnel 76 in cannabis
Re: STEEM Investor Report 20 Feb 2017 (Where is the bottom?)
You meant once the hard fork 16 is over, I though you meant once the next hard fork is passed and implemented. lol
1 03 days ago by krnel 76 in trading
Re: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear
Yeah, STEEM is low now, you can use the "Convert to STEEM" option in your wallet and it takes 3 days to convert your SBD into STEEM.
$0.00 0 03 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: @officialfuzzy Exclusive on Britt Pettibone to Recommend Steemit on SGTReport
Thanks, heard that at the 3min mark, good promo hehe.
1 03 days ago by krnel 76 in pizzagate
Re: The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"
Yup. You get it. :) Th eonly way evil stops is when people stop creating it. Sometimes something ins so big (the…
$0.00 0 04 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: Deal Breakers for Online Dating
Ouch, that sucks... Don't stay in a relationship that isn't mutual :(
1 14 days ago by krnel 76 in dating
Re: Over-Eating and Waste Account for a 20% Loss to the World Food Supply
Yes, that's on average across the globe. So since there are starving people, the over-eating gluttonous countries…
1 04 days ago by krnel 76 in sustainability
Re: Deal Breakers for Online Dating
Well I guess smoking wasn't much of an issue for you. Maybe you're previous conditioning to accept it in earlier life…
$0.00 0 04 days ago by krnel 76 in dating
Re: Deal Breakers for Online Dating
Hehe, thanks ;)
$0.00 0 14 days ago by krnel 76 in dating
Re: PERFECTIONISM… The Curse Of Being A Perfectionist
I agree with this overall. We aren't perfect, but that doesn't mean we can't strive for betterment and improvement, to…
1 14 days ago by krnel 76 in life
Re: Deal Breakers for Online Dating
Damn, yeah sometimes they just don't work. Agencies and their hands-on human evaluation to match people can work out…
$0.00 0 04 days ago by krnel 76 in dating
Re: Deal Breakers for Online Dating
Awesome. That's how it's done, upfront, honest, tell people what you want, cut to the chase, don't waste time. I like…
$0.00 0 34 days ago by krnel 76 in dating
Re: The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"
LOL, that was funny, only his title was true indeed! Yeah, the supreme importance of truth is not understood by m any…
$0.00 0 14 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: Deal Breakers for Online Dating
Nice! Early in the days of the internet hehe.
$0.00 0 14 days ago by krnel 76 in dating
Re: The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"
Indeed. Some people care to a certain degree, but might lack enough of it to activate that fire of courage/bravery to…
1 04 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"
New Age Bullshit
$0.00 0 84 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: Global Arms Sales Highest Since Cold War, with Saudi Arabia as a Top Buyer
Thanks ;)
$0.00 0 04 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"
Thank you :)
$0.00 0 04 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"
Oh yes that is a factor, static learned helplessness vs. effort, work, fear of unknown that change invites. The "Devil…
1 04 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
Fish Devastated By Sex-changing Chemicals In Municipal Wastewater Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into…
2 14 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear
Hehe, yeah, they didn't do well and he did quite well. Thanks for the feedback.
1 24 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
2 04 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
Indeed. I dislike the conservatives, like Harper. I dislike all politicians and political parties pretty much hehe. In…
2 14 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
Sorry, thanks for the correction. I cleaned up the confused misinformation on my part. Thanks again. I still see…
2 34 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Reward curve doesn't really discourage self voting
Nothing wrong with voting with your own account on your own posts. That's silly :) But can you show how this new…
2 14 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: Global Arms Sales Highest Since Cold War, with Saudi Arabia as a Top Buyer
We are death-dealers. Billions each year, most people participate in taking the life of when they don't need to.
3 04 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Does Steem Need More Full Plugin/API Seed Nodes?
The post I linked to above has 5 so far. Thanks for confirming those.
1 04 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: Does Steem Need More Full Plugin/API Seed Nodes?
Thanks. Are those all full seed nodes? All plugins enabled?
1 44 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: Revisiting Curation Reward: Hot Coffee, Cold Coffee, and Lukewarm Coffee
Interesting idea. I don't think it will pass though ;) Rewarding people to hold SP and not vote... while those who do…
5 05 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear
Yup, there is no trust in international relations, even in the US/UK, US/Canada, it's all shaky, everyone spies on…
1 15 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear
Did I say there was no spying going on?
1 35 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Ambassador Friedman What You Should Know
This guy is bat-shit insane like most Zionists. Trump is another presidential tool to fuel Israeli theft and murder of…
3 15 days ago by krnel 76 in news
Re: Those "Because Over-Rewarded" Flags
So the calculation is that if a post, is great, gets rewarded by stakeholders... but... has little views, flag it to…
9 35 days ago by krnel 76 in steemit
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
Yup, cultural marxism. Destroy everything and rebuild in a new dystopic image lol
1 25 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: What is Really Causing Steem to Crash and Burn?
You don't mention the powering down over the last two months?
4 15 days ago by krnel 76 in curation
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
Hell yes. Oh poor us, we wouldn't want reality to set in so we can properly navigate reality at all... nah...let's…
1 15 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Crystal Meth Use Skyrockets In Juarez Despite Local Cartels Placing Ban On the Addictive Substance
Yup, meth isn't a gateway drug, it's the end of the road! Nasty shit. Pretty obvious when something is shit when even…
1 15 days ago by krnel 76 in news
Re: The challenge of reason... how do you reveal reason to those who don't know how to use it?
I'm calling my local thought-police. You're done for! That's it! Finished!
2 15 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
Yup, I call that "blind compassion", where you just have to be compassionate about everything and sucker yourself into…
2 15 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
Academia is a joke, it's turned into a socialist PC degenerate play-pen for morons to not think and accept social…
1 55 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear
I've seen a few interviews, and he can accurately represent reality more than not, and certainly more than most or all…
2 15 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear
Yup, my newest post talked about this socialist communist move to through crime, thought police and hate speech…
4 15 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: STEEM Investor Report 20 Feb 2017 (Where is the bottom?)
Pst... I think you mean Hardfork 17 ;)
2 35 days ago by krnel 76 in trading
Re: US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear
Bah, let's just keep living in the past and try to go back and correct all the wrongs that were ever done, ever, even…
1 05 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
Left wing is also full of hate. Thanks for the feedback.
3 05 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
Thanks for the suggestion. I may have seen his face before ;)
2 05 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
Yup, it's not a solution, I forgot to mention that as I have in a previous fake news post. The media is trying to…
2 06 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Titanium Oxide in 'Food' Inhibits Nutrient Absorption and Pathogen Defense
Yeah, there are many foods and nutrients that can work against each other. Thanks for the feedback.
2 06 days ago by krnel 76 in food
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
Well, the "quality control" alluding to coca-cola, is that they monitor when people are using information incorrectly…
1 06 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
True, that's an issue. I think that's what she refers to in #2 and in other places with regards to that involvement…
1 26 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
Wow.. that's really misleading poor data to go on... sheesh! Thanks for the feedback.
1 06 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
LOL, yeah, don't fall for the cult of personality. Go for the info ;)
3 06 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
Yup. That was point #3 she suggested be improved upon. Thanks for the feedback.
1 236 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to 'Fake News' in Science?
It's not so much in reference to all fake news, but more the science news that tends to be spread based on hopes of…
1 16 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Bringing Greater Utility to STEEM and Growing the Pie for Everyone
I don't buy things online regularly, only specialty things when I need it. GFX card, SSD, etc. I don't buy much of…
1 16 days ago by krnel 76 in steemit
Re: The Ancient Greeks Speak on Trump
Indeed, the basic mythopoetic narrative is an easier method to communicate as we have been doing it for thousands of…
1 06 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer Risk
You're welcome, indeed we need more people talking about the negatives in the world. That's the only way people are…
2 16 days ago by krnel 76 in pollution
Re: More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer Risk
Thanks ;)
1 06 days ago by krnel 76 in pollution
Re: More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer Risk
Indeed, lets get back to livingry and support that way of life, not profit making death production. Thanks for the feedback.
1 16 days ago by krnel 76 in pollution
Re: More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer Risk
Right on, good steps to take. Thanks for the feedback.
2 06 days ago by krnel 76 in pollution
Re: More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer Risk
We let it all happen. We let people assume authority over us and we let them run the show. We give away our power to…
1 16 days ago by krnel 76 in pollution
Re: These Futuristic Sci-Fi Weapons Are Already Being Used Today!
Another false path for humanity: transferring energy and resources into building better weaponry to kill, rather than…
7 26 days ago by krnel 76 in sirwinchester
Re: The Ancient Greeks Speak on Trump
The power of a "storyteller" to fabricate narratives and purport them as reality through the induction of imagery and…
2 36 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
Indeed it's hard. That's the realization it takes to persist despite the adversity in those who don't have the same…
1 06 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
I don't think you understand care for truth as the motivation and that it's lacking for people to overcome many of the…
2 36 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Nonhumans Can Judge Human Cooperation and Reciprocity
smooth, when you come to flag this post, just know this post was at $25-29 (somewhere in the 20's) with all the whales…
5 07 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: Tax Unhealthy Food & Subsidize Healthy Food to Make People Change How They Eat
Your position is of not even reading the post, and commenting ignorantly. Bravo.
2 06 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Tax Unhealthy Food & Subsidize Healthy Food to Make People Change How They Eat
I could tell from your comment earlier, and the upvote on others comments, that you did't actually read the post you…
1 06 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Could the reason Fake News as a label is back firing so catastrophically be because it already existed under another name?
Ah... memory.... and not repeating the same mistakes of others hehe. When will people learn! They created…
2 16 days ago by krnel 76 in fakenews
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
Indeed. Errors are not required. But when they present themselves they must be recognized as a catalyst to the…
2 07 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: painting
Flagged for copy/paste plagiarism, no source listed.
1 07 days ago by krnel 76 in psychology
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
Right on! :)
1 07 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Tax Unhealthy Food & Subsidize Healthy Food to Make People Change How They Eat
That's what truth is for. One root of why we are where we are, and the problems we have, is due to a lack of care for…
1 07 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
Hehe, I don't know hat you're referring to, oh well. Thanks for the feedback ;)
1 57 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Follow The Money: Deep State II
He was talking about cell phones you cant jailbreak or go to jail for 5 years for trying to gain the freedom to choose…
1 17 days ago by krnel 76 in society
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
How does me caring for truth depend on others not caring?
1 27 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Follow The Money: Deep State II
"People no longer own the property they buy from Silicon valley. They simply have a lease on it"
2 37 days ago by krnel 76 in society
Re: Follow The Money: Deep State II
LOL. "Not a conspiracy". Ok, conspiracies have been created for thousands of years. Then the guests reply is "not a…
4 17 days ago by krnel 76 in society
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
Yes it is, infatuation with the pleasure trap.
2 07 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
You're welcome, glad to provide some valuable knowledge :) Thanks for the feedback and share :)
5 07 days ago by krnel 76 in philosophy
Re: Details on Proposed Comment Reward Curve
I was just saying what Steemit is doing ;) I don't get why they (sneak) are going full throttle into mobile, and…
3 17 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: Making Steemit Better: A Proposal to Flatten the Rewards Curve
Interesting. I'm all for giving it a go.
9 27 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: Tax Unhealthy Food & Subsidize Healthy Food to Make People Change How They Eat
What position?
1 07 days ago by krnel 76 in politics
Re: Details on Proposed Comment Reward Curve
I think the green curve is the ideal. If not, then pink runner up? That's my input but I'm not sure if it's accurate…
2 17 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: Details on Proposed Comment Reward Curve
Mobile development.
3 37 days ago by krnel 76 in steem
Re: Living Consciously: Balancing Monetary and Spiritual Income
I can argue that for everyone, the true calling is truth itself, but most have not ignited that flame of care for…
2 07 days ago by krnel 76 in life
Re: Scientific Report Gives OK to Move Forward with Human Gene-Editing
How to ensure future gradualism won't entice people to accept aesthetic and "enhancement" justifications to broaden…
2 07 days ago by krnel 76 in science
Re: Wireless Power - Tesla's Dream Come True!
And below that they say their new method is different, no? Their method is within safety standards, while the previous…
1 07 days ago by krnel 76 in technology

Yup, no comments there...

Look at that! And that's just the last 3-7 days. That was so hard... getting real data...

How about all of February?

| Feb | Total 407 |
| 1 | 12 |
| 2 | 11 |
| 3 | 5 |
| 4 | 12 |
| 5 | 17 |
| 6 | 15 |
| 7 | 22 |
| 8 | 19 |
| 9 | 14 |
| 10 | 13 |
| 11 | 13 |
| 12 | 24 |
| 13 | 19 |
| 14 | 10 |
| 15 | 27 |
| 16 | 17 |
| 17 | 29 |
| 18 | 21 |
| 19 | 23 |
| 20 | 18 |
| 21 | 24 |
| 22 | 9 |
| 23 | 4 |
| 24 | 25 |
| 25 | 4 |

Clearly I don't engage in comments on my posts! How shitty of me to "only care about making money" and not engage in the social media. You got me so good!

I'm not obliged to respond to all comments, nor do I, and I certainly am not going to respond to BS comments from ignorant people who can't read properly or look at the facts of data I pulled and showed how things progressed to this point. Go back and read the post and look at the data and the argument.

That's really what I want to spend my time doing... is correcting comment after comment of people who want to feed off each others bullshit against me. Yes, that would be so productive of my time and just clear up everything when they don't even want to read the original post (a few even said they didn't yet commented ignorant BS), and those that claim to have read it, can't actually process information to understand what the hell I was saying! Yet some who actually did read to understand, did understand.

But nah, I really don't care about the comments on my posts, clearly the evidence shows this. I'm so in it for the "just the money" that I also didn't start rewarding commenters myself for over a week (Feb 10th- 20th).


5 seconds ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to teerx Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/thought-crimes-on-the-rise-is-it-right-or-acceptable-to-be-coerced-into-using-or-not-using-certain-words
15 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/thought-crimes-on-the-rise-is-it-right-or-acceptable-to-be-coerced-into-using-or-not-using-certain-words
35 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to shadowspub Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/thought-crimes-on-the-rise-is-it-right-or-acceptable-to-be-coerced-into-using-or-not-using-certain-words
45 seconds ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to nikflossus Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/thought-crimes-on-the-rise-is-it-right-or-acceptable-to-be-coerced-into-using-or-not-using-certain-words
55 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to filotasriza3 Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/thought-crimes-on-the-rise-is-it-right-or-acceptable-to-be-coerced-into-using-or-not-using-certain-words
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/thought-crimes-on-the-rise-is-it-right-or-acceptable-to-be-coerced-into-using-or-not-using-certain-words
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to tommycordero Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/thought-crimes-on-the-rise-is-it-right-or-acceptable-to-be-coerced-into-using-or-not-using-certain-words
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to josephd Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/us-intelligentsia-stoking-fears-of-the-red-russian-bear
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to lifeworship Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/us-intelligentsia-stoking-fears-of-the-red-russian-bear
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/us-intelligentsia-stoking-fears-of-the-red-russian-bear
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to nabes Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/us-intelligentsia-stoking-fears-of-the-red-russian-bear
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to josephd Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/can-the-scientific-community-better-respond-to-fake-news-in-science
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to charlie777pt Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/can-the-scientific-community-better-respond-to-fake-news-in-science
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to builderofcastles Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/can-the-scientific-community-better-respond-to-fake-news-in-science
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/can-the-scientific-community-better-respond-to-fake-news-in-science
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/can-the-scientific-community-better-respond-to-fake-news-in-science
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/can-the-scientific-community-better-respond-to-fake-news-in-science
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to elgeko Reward for relevant comment on /food/@krnel/titanium-oxide-in-food-inhibits-nutrient-absorption-and-pathogen-defense
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to irawandedy Reward for relevant comment on /food/@krnel/titanium-oxide-in-food-inhibits-nutrient-absorption-and-pathogen-defense
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /pollution/@krnel/more-accurate-global-pollutant-model-shows-4x-the-cancer-risk
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to everlove Reward for relevant comment on /pollution/@krnel/more-accurate-global-pollutant-model-shows-4x-the-cancer-risk
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /psychology/@krnel/nonhumans-can-judge-human-cooperation-and-reciprocity
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to camille1234 Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/caring-for-truth-and-the-responsibility-to-learn
4 minutes ago Transfer 1.000 SBD to baah Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/caring-for-truth-and-the-responsibility-to-learn
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to timothyb Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/caring-for-truth-and-the-responsibility-to-learn
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to charlie777pt Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/caring-for-truth-and-the-responsibility-to-learn
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /philosophy/@krnel/caring-for-truth-and-the-responsibility-to-learn


4 seconds ago Transfer 0.700 SBD to jacobtothe Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/tax-unhealthy-food-and-subsidize-healthy-food-to-make-people-change-how-they-eat
14 seconds ago Transfer 0.700 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/tax-unhealthy-food-and-subsidize-healthy-food-to-make-people-change-how-they-eat
34 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/tax-unhealthy-food-and-subsidize-healthy-food-to-make-people-change-how-they-eat
34 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to baah Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/tax-unhealthy-food-and-subsidize-healthy-food-to-make-people-change-how-they-eat
54 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to meysam Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/i-want-what-you-have-gimme-i-m-taking-it-i-have-more-power-might-makes-right-in-israel
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to baah Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/i-want-what-you-have-gimme-i-m-taking-it-i-have-more-power-might-makes-right-in-israel
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to sc-steemit Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/i-want-what-you-have-gimme-i-m-taking-it-i-have-more-power-might-makes-right-in-israel
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to titusfrost Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/wireless-power-tesla-s-dream-come-true
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to builderofcastles Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/wireless-power-tesla-s-dream-come-true
1 minute ago Transfer 0.200 SBD to xtrodinarypilot Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/wireless-power-tesla-s-dream-come-true
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.800 SBD to sigmajin Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/wireless-power-tesla-s-dream-come-true
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to irawandedy Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/wireless-power-tesla-s-dream-come-true
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/wireless-power-tesla-s-dream-come-true
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to zedikaredirect Reward for relevant comment on /steemkure/@krnel/steemkure-on-beyond-bitcoin-194
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /steemkure/@krnel/steemkure-on-beyond-bitcoin-194
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to steevc Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/trump-berates-the-media-at-press-conference-this-is-fake-news-put-out-by-the-media
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to stevescoins Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/trump-berates-the-media-at-press-conference-this-is-fake-news-put-out-by-the-media
6 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/trump-berates-the-media-at-press-conference-this-is-fake-news-put-out-by-the-media
6 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to stevescoins Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/trump-berates-the-media-at-press-conference-this-is-fake-news-put-out-by-the-media
6 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to tommycordero Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/trump-berates-the-media-at-press-conference-this-is-fake-news-put-out-by-the-media
7 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to scalextrix Reward for relevant comment on /cryptocurrency/@krnel/my-journey-of-disliking-digital-currency-to-liking-cryptocurrency
7 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to cassidyandfranks Reward for relevant comment on /cryptocurrency/@krnel/my-journey-of-disliking-digital-currency-to-liking-cryptocurrency
7 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to eroche Reward for relevant comment on /cryptocurrency/@krnel/my-journey-of-disliking-digital-currency-to-liking-cryptocurrency
8 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to nikflossus Reward for relevant comment on /cryptocurrency/@krnel/my-journey-of-disliking-digital-currency-to-liking-cryptocurrency
8 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /cryptocurrency/@krnel/my-journey-of-disliking-digital-currency-to-liking-cryptocurrency
8 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to mallorcaman Reward for relevant comment on /cryptocurrency/@krnel/my-journey-of-disliking-digital-currency-to-liking-cryptocurrency
8 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /cryptocurrency/@krnel/my-journey-of-disliking-digital-currency-to-liking-cryptocurrency
8 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to giova Reward for relevant comment on /science/@krnel/scientific-report-gives-ok-to-move-forward-with-human-gene-editing
9 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to titusfrost Reward for relevant comment on /science/@krnel/scientific-report-gives-ok-to-move-forward-with-human-gene-editing
9 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to reddust Reward for relevant comment on /science/@krnel/scientific-report-gives-ok-to-move-forward-with-human-gene-editing
9 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to camille1234 Reward for relevant comment on /science/@krnel/scientific-report-gives-ok-to-move-forward-with-human-gene-editing


4 seconds ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to kyusho Reward for relevant comment on /business/@krnel/stress-and-insomnia-increases-for-telecommuting-employees
14 seconds ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to countryinspired Reward for relevant comment on /business/@krnel/stress-and-insomnia-increases-for-telecommuting-employees
24 seconds ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to sebastianjago Reward for relevant comment on /business/@krnel/stress-and-insomnia-increases-for-telecommuting-employees
44 seconds ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /business/@krnel/stress-and-insomnia-increases-for-telecommuting-employees
54 seconds ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to dwinblood Reward for relevant comment on /business/@krnel/stress-and-insomnia-increases-for-telecommuting-employees
1 minute ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to vcelier Reward for relevant comment on /business/@krnel/stress-and-insomnia-increases-for-telecommuting-employees
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to mada Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/how-real-is-the-cash-crunch-for-global-control
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to evehuman Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/how-real-is-the-cash-crunch-for-global-control
1 minute ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/how-real-is-the-cash-crunch-for-global-control
2 minutes ago Transfer 1.000 SBD to inphiknit Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/how-real-is-the-cash-crunch-for-global-control
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.200 SBD to lethn Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/fake-news-round-two-as-facebook-google-and-french-media-team-up-for-presidential-election
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.200 SBD to stevescoins Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/fake-news-round-two-as-facebook-google-and-french-media-team-up-for-presidential-election
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to madmartigan Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/fake-news-round-two-as-facebook-google-and-french-media-team-up-for-presidential-election
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to lighteye Reward for relevant comment on /fakenews/@krnel/fake-news-round-two-as-facebook-google-and-french-media-team-up-for-presidential-election


13 seconds ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to j3dy Reward for relevant comment on /freedom/@krnel/my-freedom-my-truth-my-life-and-my-survival
33 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /freedom/@krnel/my-freedom-my-truth-my-life-and-my-survival
53 seconds ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /freedom/@krnel/my-freedom-my-truth-my-life-and-my-survival
1 minute ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to charlie777pt Reward for relevant comment on /@krnel/great-ideas-average-events-small-people
1 minute ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to lifeworship Reward for relevant comment on /@krnel/great-ideas-average-events-small-people
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to timothyb Reward for relevant comment on /health/@krnel/eat-less-and-live-longer
1 minute ago Transfer 0.200 SBD to giova Reward for relevant comment on /health/@krnel/eat-less-and-live-longer
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to irawandedy Reward for relevant comment on /health/@krnel/eat-less-and-live-longer
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to sigmajin Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/new-cross-browser-web-fingerprinting-technique-developed-with-99-accuracy
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to builderofcastles Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/building-mass-graves-around-the-world-with-17-years-of-collateral-damage-drone-strikes


3 seconds ago Transfer 1.500 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
13 seconds ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to timothyb Reward for relevant comment on /morality/@krnel/what-is-good-or-evil-the-good-and-evil-continuum-spectrum-scale-or-degrees
33 seconds ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to charlie777pt Reward for relevant comment on /morality/@krnel/what-is-good-or-evil-the-good-and-evil-continuum-spectrum-scale-or-degrees
43 seconds ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /morality/@krnel/what-is-good-or-evil-the-good-and-evil-continuum-spectrum-scale-or-degrees
53 seconds ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /morality/@krnel/what-is-good-or-evil-the-good-and-evil-continuum-spectrum-scale-or-degrees
1 minute ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/new-cross-browser-web-fingerprinting-technique-developed-with-99-accuracy
1 minute ago Transfer 0.250 SBD to mranderson Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/new-cross-browser-web-fingerprinting-technique-developed-with-99-accuracy
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/new-cross-browser-web-fingerprinting-technique-developed-with-99-accuracy
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to onceuponatime Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/new-cross-browser-web-fingerprinting-technique-developed-with-99-accuracy
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to baah Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/building-mass-graves-around-the-world-with-17-years-of-collateral-damage-drone-strikes
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to ebryans Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/building-mass-graves-around-the-world-with-17-years-of-collateral-damage-drone-strikes
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/building-mass-graves-around-the-world-with-17-years-of-collateral-damage-drone-strikes
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to tommycordero Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/building-mass-graves-around-the-world-with-17-years-of-collateral-damage-drone-strikes
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to v4vapid Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/building-mass-graves-around-the-world-with-17-years-of-collateral-damage-drone-strikes
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to charlie777pt Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/learning-about-self-interest-and-cooperation-from-ai-matrix-game-social-dilemmas
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to demotruk Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to nextgen622 Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate


33 seconds ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to j3dy Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/learning-about-self-interest-and-cooperation-from-ai-matrix-game-social-dilemmas
51 seconds ago Transfer 0.350 SBD to timothyb Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to mallorcaman Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to timothyb Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to smooth Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
3 minutes ago Transfer 1.200 SBD to j3dy Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/what-do-investors-look-for-and-why-do-they-invest-how-does-steemit-relate
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /psychology/@krnel/perceived-power-and-authority-from-wearing-a-police-uniform-affects-how-we-view-ourselves-and-others
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to baah Reward for relevant comment on /psychology/@krnel/perceived-power-and-authority-from-wearing-a-police-uniform-affects-how-we-view-ourselves-and-others
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to j3dy Reward for relevant comment on /psychology/@krnel/perceived-power-and-authority-from-wearing-a-police-uniform-affects-how-we-view-ourselves-and-others
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.600 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /psychology/@krnel/perceived-power-and-authority-from-wearing-a-police-uniform-affects-how-we-view-ourselves-and-others
5 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to irawandedy Reward for relevant comment on /psychology/@krnel/perceived-power-and-authority-from-wearing-a-police-uniform-affects-how-we-view-ourselves-and-others


25 seconds ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/waste-not-want-not-a-methane-and-fertilizer-producing-waste-system-to-help-impoverished-tanzania
45 seconds ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/waste-not-want-not-a-methane-and-fertilizer-producing-waste-system-to-help-impoverished-tanzania
1 minute ago Transfer 0.300 SBD to orionvk Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/waste-not-want-not-a-methane-and-fertilizer-producing-waste-system-to-help-impoverished-tanzania
1 minute ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /privacy/@krnel/fmri-used-for-lie-detection
1 minute ago Transfer 0.600 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /privacy/@krnel/fmri-used-for-lie-detection
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to richq11 Reward for relevant comment on /privacy/@krnel/fmri-used-for-lie-detection
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.600 SBD to bitcoinparadise Reward for relevant comment on /symbolism/@krnel/the-four-elements-and-the-elemental-quaternity-of-life
2 minutes ago Transfer 1.200 SBD to eric-boucher Reward for relevant comment on /symbolism/@krnel/the-four-elements-and-the-elemental-quaternity-of-life
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to culturearise369 Reward for relevant comment on /symbolism/@krnel/the-four-elements-and-the-elemental-quaternity-of-life
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.900 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /symbolism/@krnel/the-four-elements-and-the-elemental-quaternity-of-life
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.900 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/low-socioeconomic-status-linked-to-premature-mortality


5 seconds ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to charlie777pt Reward for relevant comment on /economics/@krnel/low-socioeconomic-status-linked-to-premature-mortality
25 seconds ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/flow-cell-rechargeable-battery-designed-by-converting-waste-co2-into-electricity
35 seconds ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to eliowilson Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/flow-cell-rechargeable-battery-designed-by-converting-waste-co2-into-electricity
1 minute ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to harshprakash Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/flow-cell-rechargeable-battery-designed-by-converting-waste-co2-into-electricity
1 minute ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to alexpmorris Reward for relevant comment on /technology/@krnel/flow-cell-rechargeable-battery-designed-by-converting-waste-co2-into-electricity
1 minute ago Transfer 0.400 SBD to walkerlv Reward for relevant comment on /psychology/@krnel/the-influence-of-the-attraction-effect-on-making-decisions
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to englishtchrivy Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/eu-says-europe-needs-immigration-for-economy-and-welfare
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.200 SBD to jfaneumann Reward for relevant comment on /politics/@krnel/eu-says-europe-needs-immigration-for-economy-and-welfare
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to dzboston33 Reward for relevant comment on /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.150 SBD to badassunicorn Reward for relevant comment on /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to surfermarly Reward for relevant comment on /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to driptorchpress Reward for relevant comment on /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comment on /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
15 seconds ago Transfer 0.250 SBD to lethn Reward for relevant comments to /immigration/@krnel/european-poll-55-agree-to-halt-immigration-from-mainly-muslim-countries-20-disagree
35 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to meysam Reward for relevant comments to /immigration/@krnel/european-poll-55-agree-to-halt-immigration-from-mainly-muslim-countries-20-disagree
45 seconds ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to stevescoins Reward for relevant comments to /immigration/@krnel/european-poll-55-agree-to-halt-immigration-from-mainly-muslim-countries-20-disagree
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to heretickitten /immigration/@krnel/european-poll-55-agree-to-halt-immigration-from-mainly-muslim-countries-20-disagree
1 minute ago Transfer 0.250 SBD to stevespring Reward for relevant comments to /politics/@krnel/eu-says-europe-needs-immigration-for-economy-and-welfare
1 minute ago Transfer 0.250 SBD to thelightreports Reward for relevant comments to /politics/@krnel/eu-says-europe-needs-immigration-for-economy-and-welfare
1 minute ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to shadubie42 Reward for relevant comments to /politics/@krnel/eu-says-europe-needs-immigration-for-economy-and-welfare
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comments to /politics/@krnel/eu-says-europe-needs-immigration-for-economy-and-welfare
2 minutes ago Transfer 0.250 SBD to lightsplasher Reward for relevant comments to /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.250 SBD to kevinwong Reward for relevant comments to /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.250 SBD to playfulfoodie Reward for relevant comments to /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
3 minutes ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to reddust Reward for relevant comments to /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to krystle Reward for relevant comments to /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit
4 minutes ago Transfer 0.750 SBD to denmarkguy Reward for relevant comments to /jobs/@krnel/reasons-some-people-quit-their-jobs-does-it-relate-to-steemit

Oh, but that's not enough though, right? I need to give more since I make so many rewards? Clearly I'm a cheapskate, all in it for the money...

Because so many people have done this right? Why don't you start rewarding your commenters yourself?

I'm "just in it for the money" and don't engage in comments or care about the commenters... right.

For all you liars who want to find some bullshit to try to "stick it" to me, you know where you can stick your bullshit!


You're the only Steemian I've decided to start flagging. It was nothing personal, however I tend to agree that your posts are generally over-valued, and I do not understand the whole "energy beliefs system" mumbo jumbo that you're constantly posting about, with the arrows and the boxes of text pointing at each other. It honestly seems like pseudo-intellectual masturbation to me.

The tone you've taken with these long-winded callout posts is quite frankly, obnoxious. I even unfollowed you because of it.

I figured since others have explained their flags, I may as well do the same. I hope you don't mind. Have a good one.

You disagree, you get flagged or ignored, or you're called an idiot. Krnel in a nutshell. He goes berzerk when people don't accept his truth or authority. Yours was a flag.

pseudo-intellectual masturbation

This. That, by itself, is not a good reason for flagging though, I think. It will suffice for muting while at the same time wondering if all his upvoters actually read what he excretes.

Yes, look at an inforgraphic, and be confused by arrows. Omg the arrows are so confusing! The information is garbage!

"energy beliefs system"?

What the hell are you talking about? Flagged you back asshole. Way to use a flag right "I don't like it so I flag it". Bravo!

Also I did use my flag right, as I said I do not think your posts are worth the amount they receive. That's one of the parameters for flagging right? It says so right on the warning.

"Disagreement on rewards"

You can flag anyone for any reason you see fit, for the flag is the downvote function. On Busy, it appears as a simple dislike button. We shouldn't think that every downvote is a flag anymore. I thought a lot about this topic, and I have written some of my thoughts in a "series".

I'm talking about your diagrams, like this one:

When I read this kind of thing, I don't know what to think. It just seems like a bunch of words jumbled together to try to convey some "hidden" meaning. It's navel-gazing.

Flag me if you want, it doesn't offend me. And even if it did, I would rather preserve your right to free speech (in the form of a flag), then throw more stones at you. I was just explaining why I took the action that I took.

Flagged as trolling.

Hahaha...Ya got me!!! I was just about to respond with: He always responds to my comments! Then I looked at who wrote the article lol!

Apparently critical thinking articles and defining reality and truth, regarding some people's reactions have hit a sore spot need to do some fluffy memes on these subjects and in your vlogs don't use your strong voice, use more'll engage the sissy boys and the girls will feel less threatened.

Do you really think that what krnel writes is "defining reality and truth" or do you just appreciate the effort?

He does write about different views of truth, not as neatly as the masters, but if you go and compare notes, he gives objective and subjective truth, reality, beliefs a good go...I am really into relative and absolute truth/reality. Hehehe can't really get into absolutes cause there are no parts, just principles...makes me start cursing.

Fish them. You can be my mate. I enjoy how you engage your readers. Those haters can take their jib elsewhere.

Come on dude you used to be calm composed and rational. Again with the EMO backlash. Can we let steemit have a deep freeze, everyone is OVER 90000 :D I called it a night and it's gonna be a weekend :D seriously take a step back please. bernie is a neglectful SOB nothing more. smooth is ok dunno. But we shouldn't let it blow out of proportions.

Still their act is crap, staying on the gates and smacking posts low :D

How could you question your comments just the fact that they have hurt you means you actually entertained the thought.

I say you can do more, but that's unreasonable, and it's self centered of me to expect you to answer everything, you already putting in the hours, more than most people I might add. Fuck the whales, they are just cash-cows for all i care :D, if they are going to continue acting like this, there will be pitchforks sooner or later, so far it's just flame and degeneration of the community.

Segregation is bound to cause a divide.

Flagged as spammish garbage which does not bring value to Steemit. Your account history already exists on the blockchain for all who are interested to see and does not need to be reposted.

Wow, this is actually very informative. TL;DR the whole thing but thank you for these responses. I hope you feel better after letting off this much Steem and Sarcasm in one post? ; )


det är fantastikt thanks

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