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RE: Prompt of the day “Profit” - Flagging Rewards?

in #flagging6 years ago

Are you talking about reposting your old content from yt? I'm doing some of that and want to do more.

For the new ones, I'm uploading privately to yt and then downloading the smaller file back for dtube, Then the day after I post here I go publish the same thing on you tube with marketing message - (This video was originally posted to dtube, where video creators like me get paid real money for their original content)

So had in the back of my mind to unpublish the old one on yt and then republish the new dtube version in a similar manner.

I've never flagged anyone and rarely see anything I want to flag. Those I do not think should be here, I send steemcleaners a report. Maybe 1-2 times a month.


This was a response to someone reposting the same video 3 times in multiple situations.

As for the YouTube videos if it’s your content your fine doing it how ever you please, just not stolen content which I doubt you would do!

I don’t often run across anything I wish to flag either but I also recognize the ability to do so is built into the system for a reason. Only when it affects me directly do I feel a need to flag and in this situation I am one of the people that encouraged him to try upload a video in the first place to now find out that he’s abusing it and my support.

This is kind of a warning to others not to abuse my support as I do, like everyone else, have a dark side!

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