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RE: The Value of Downvotes Explained

in #flagging7 years ago

So if someone does not like your opinion or view they can downvote your and use their power. That sounds like BULLYING. Can we not all grow up? Is there not safeguards in place to combat this behavior? Why can't Steemit hold a higher standard? Must we stoop to the level of Facebook or Twitter? Come on folks! There is enough drama in this old world. Let's show we are more cultured, educated and human. If you disagree you can always walk away and not comment or respond. A friend of mine once gave me some sound advice years ago ...Troy pick your fights very carefully in life. Let that sink in a moment. Let's all uplift each other and build each other to higher standard of interaction. Thanks for the post.


On the internet, it's not so much bullying but rather people freely expressing themselves. Perhaps honestly, perhaps trollishly. It's hard to tell. My stance however is that anyone shouldn't feel offended. Bullying is more like doxxing innocent folks when it comes to the internet, in my opinion.

Let's all uplift each other and build each other to higher standard of interaction.

Agree with this, but I understand some would feel suspicious as there could be be folks taking advantage of others with sweet talk. Maybe their right about it, maybe not..

" Bullying is more like doxxing innocent folks when it comes to the internet, in my opinion."

Or ransomware. Which actually is quite similar in effect to flags, as both extract economic resources based on unequal power, ransomware due to power of knowledge of code, and flags due to power of stake.

Both are bullying.

Just read the comments @berniesanders leaves when flagging some account into the dust. He's bullying. He proclaims it. Pretending he's selflessly balancing rewards for the good of the platform is facile, unless by balance you mean concentrate in the wallets of whales, because that's the outcome of his bullying.

It sure isn't to spread the rewards to quality posts - which are difficult to find in the autovote infested trending page.

Captchas, and 2FA, either or both, would end the problem of bots.

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