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RE: Snip Snap Flag Wars Are Back (Part 2)

in #flag6 years ago

I don't really have a problem with flags in it of themselves. I think they're kind of fun. Besides flagging is part of the Proof-of-Brains consensus algorithm. It's not like these users are censoring people from the blockchain itself. They're simply removing "potential" rewards. It's not liking they're stealing from anybody.


Right, but the idea is to flag stuff that deserves flagging, so if you blindly flag someone back just because they flagged you, you're automatically in the wrong.

Which is fine; good even. It makes it very easy to identify bad actors on an immutable blockchain.

Right, but the idea is to flag stuff that deserves flagging, so if you blindly flag someone back just because they flagged you, you're automatically in the wrong.

No, you are wrong about this.
If someone flagged me just because I use upvote bots and self upvote regardless of my content, he is a bad person and deserves to be retaliated.
Revenge is execution of justice.
The most underrated part of justice.

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Revenge is the best part of justice? I hope you're not religious.

Yes, I agree, a never ending cycle of hate and violence is exactly what this world is lacking.

Unfortunately, flagging someone in retaliation doesn't really count as revenge. The outcome is the same either way. You both lose rewards.

Depends on what religion is for you.
Some people do not need hate or violence to do what they do.
Hate and violence are proper reactions to their actions.
I like to quantify things and to do well according to it.

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What happens if you flag out of irony?

It depends on a few variables.
I am not sure myself how it will evolve eventually.
Never excelled at predictions.

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