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RE: FLAG WARS! Have Your Say About It...... (+Gift of 50 POCKET for every relevant comment)

in #flag7 years ago (edited)

As a fiction author, I am frustrated by the concern that fiction "doesn't belong" on the forum. However, I respect that the flagger did brave the den of angry writers to discuss his perspective on The Writers' Block. I also think that those of us who write fiction and want it to have a place here need to do some thinking about what we post and make sure we treat Steemit as real publishing. This means only publishing as fiction pieces that you have polished and shined and put your best effort into. Not everyone is perfect, but posting less than your best effort only weakens our position on this platform. I, like many other authors, am making an effort to learn more about how all this stuff works, so we can try to be beneficial towards the growth of steem and respect those whose financial investment does make it possible for us to have some income here. We dream of a publishing house run in crypto. Please see posts from @rhondak, myself, and many others about these issues.


If anyone wants to read more details on my opinion about the future of fiction and our role in it, feel free to refer to

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Can you point me to a link about ths pocket stuff? Since I am clueless. I participated because I think it is important for people to understand both sides if we want to have a chance to change things.

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