A Camping Marriage Celebration? ( Reggae Culture in Middle of the Woods in Japan)

in #fiwi5 years ago (edited)


I had the pleasure of attending my friends non traditional wedding reception here in Japan about 2 weeks ago. Well let’s not call it a wedding reception, let’s call it a camp-gathering to celebrate the marriage of two peeps. I personally love the concept. Too many people are going after the Hollywood image weddings with churches and a white dress and a reception in a fancy hall. While that is good, so is the idea of not having a wedding at all and just gathering some friends to chill and enjoy each others company. Put that money into some crytpo:)

These friends aren’t the typical Japanese, they are what I have coined new era hippies. They love the outdoors, very IRIE people. I have never met a another group like this here.

Let's see how Reggae and Jamaican culture relates to this gathering that took place in the countryside, in the middle of the woods.

This BBQ grill was made by my friend who saw my monstrous Jamaican style barrel grill I have here in Japan. I had the monster grill made as at times I do BBQ events. But it is too big to carry around to smaller gatherings like this. I was talking to my friend about it and he actually went and made one from a compressor. It is a mini Jamaican style grill but thicker than the drum pans. It also has a handle so it can be carried around easily. This guy really knows how to start a fire. Yup they are all "campers" who love the outdoor life.
Even the ladies knew how to get the fire started. This type of grill is an old school Japanese portable style. I like that it's easy to start a fire, carry around and heat up a pot of water easily if need be. Even can food gets a heating on this bad boy.
The drunkard of drunkards. This dude drinks so much at times I wonder how he even stands, but hey to each his own. He works hard though, so he deserves it. So we still got the champaz popin. I guess some things never change.
As you can see we were way out in the woods, the the guy with the guitar did a song for the couple. He also played a few Bob Marley tunes. Not because I was there, but because he knows good music. The dude upfront is real chill. He is a pro gamer and a camper. What a combination.

So you know I had to bring the jerk chicken right? They wouldn't let me leave home without it. I marinated a few pieces the night before and put a little scotch bonnet pepper sauce in the mix. The excellent part is these guys had actual wood along with coal. On top of that the grill had a lid so I could smoke the chicken. The wood, overnight marinating, scotch bonnet and the smoking made it extremely delicious. Best Jerk chicken I've made in a while. I only wish I brought more.

Yup, I really love grilling, not so much the kitchen. Not sure if I could do this everyday though. The thought has crossed my mind to start a bar & grill here, but I think I shall stick to more of the digital side of things. I will do a few events here and there, like a special chef from Jamaica kinda vibes or at friends' cafes.

These things were some chicken mince on a stick. Not my favorite but it was alright. The thing with Japanese style BBqing is they like meat that can be cooked quick. They have learnt to wait on my Jerk chicken though as that takes a little time, but hey, good things take time.*

Here we go again, bottle number 2. The lady on the left is the newly wed. She is real chill and down to earth. She recently started making some stickers for line as she saw me doing it and decided to build a few of her own.


So Bob Marley here brings his guitar everywhere. I wish I caught more of him covering concrete jungle but I was too busy grilling and chillin.

In the very short video above I am just letting you hear the type of music they were playing from their Bluetooth speaker. None other than Ska/lovers rock/rock steady. This was playing all night. Not pop, not rap, not Japanese idols or Kpop but good ole Jamaican tunes. These types of ole time Jamaican tunes really fit the camping vibe. Makes me wonder if there is a vibe like this in Jamaica. I have only scene camping on the Blue Mountains in Jamaica. Most Jamaicans aren't really into camping. Very few. It is only since I have been in Japan since I first slept in a tent. Was strange at first but makes so much sense to build those survival and naturalist skills. Did a quick search and found this place that offers camping in Negril Jamaica

It is interesting how well prepared they all are, headlights, stand lights you name it. New era camping aint that bad. I prefer it this way, who needs a lantern in these times?

Now while I don't push these friends to be on ReggaeSteem, they know all about it. They aren't that into social media. The dude that got married, we actually have a lot of talks about technology, cryptocurrency and ReggaeSteem. It is good to talk to someone who is outside it all, but understands the workings. A lot of ideas where solidified having conversations with him, including the solidifying and coining of the name Stake & Stay.

Stake your JAHM rewards and stay at a hotel in beautiful Negril, Jamaica once per year!

Now I wouldn't consider these friends Reggae lovers, but they know and respect the culture. When they are on the beach or in the woods, that is when they listen to reggae. The music sets a mood that is like no other.

To get Japanese Reggae lovers on to ReggaeSteem, I think the best approach is getting Jamaicans on-board. The reason is, what they see going on in Jamaica is what they adapt here. For example, the latest songs, dances, the products, the slangs etc. What is hot in Jamaica, is hot here ( within the Reggae world) I think that goes for a lot of markets globally. Once they see Jamaica using this platform they are gonna wonder, "Whats going on here? What are the Jamaicans up to? Let me sign up and be a part of this."

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

I need a special Jamaican chef at my house!
This looks like a lovely event, so pleasing for everyone. My mouth started watering when I got to the jerk chicken picture heh heh. I've picked up the recipe link in the other comment link. I'm wondering what wood to use here ... I must do some research.
How about the investing side of @reggaesteem? People don't have to become involved in the social media aspects if that's not their thing.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hahaha send the private jet 🙂
That jerk chicken was amazing.
I’m sure their are many Jamaicans in London that got the right wood locked.
That is true, we actually had a convo about “investing me” ( not sure where it popped up from ). But that is for sure, not everyone wants to do social media.

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That’s what’s up ! That jerk chicken tho, smoked too yessir...

Being from the southern USA I’ve been schoolin the Malaysians here on BBQ. Rule one if there ain’t a smoker going low n slow you’re having a cooking out or just grilling n chillin.. BBQ means marinated patience TLC and of course smoke..

The reggae vibes work for me in any situation but I agree when camping or beaching it up there’s no other option to keep shit going for hours on end.

Could you imagine 4 hours of kpop in the woods ? I can’t either lolz

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hahaha, I really cannot imagine that " 4 hours of kpop in the woods" that would be a nightmare. Yeah man that slow smokin is so worth it! That flavor is just irresistible. ( Damn it is like I can taste it right now.)
Same here, Reggae anytime anywhere, chill IRIE vibes. Thanks for the soul felt comment man, I fealt that southern hospitality.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

I can taste it too and I'm inspired to attempt a jerk thing here asap... I just need to find some good wood, I'm thinking jackfruit would be legit?!?

Thx for the inspiration, i too have had the idea to do BBQ here but the competition is fierce and not even KFC has buttermilk biscuits. Being a commonwealth country they all think I'm weird for wanting cookies n fried chicken 😂

Jackfruit would definitely be legit. They like to use pimento wood in Jamaica but U can see the jackfruit giving the chicken a fruity flavor ( mix that with the smokin=bliss)

Yeah I hear you, competition is competition though, if you got the right vibe and thats what you really wanna do, it will grow. LOl now you got me thinking of KFC and biscuits and all I got is coffee at this desk LOL

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Bwhaha, I could use another cup of coffee myself!

You're right though about the proper motivation being the key to success. Pimento 🤔 I had no idea.. Yep the fruity jackfruit smokey thing would be the jam. I'm gonna do it, maybe this weekend.. I'll have to do some Research n D on jerk seasonings.. Now I'm thinking tandoori jerk 😂 this is my mind not stoned haha!

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Yo, Tandoori jerk sounds good. My Indian friend ( I grill at his cafe at times) always tells me to soak the chicken in marinade with yogurt to make it tender. We tried it once and the chicken was super juicy and tender. ( well that is kinda tandoori) Tell me how it turns out.
Here is link on how ti make the marinade ( you probably found one already)

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Niiiice I'm all over it, yeah basically a yogurt marinade is what I was thinking too..

Appreciate the recipe link!

Do y'all do much jerk pork in Jamaica?

I will definitely keep u updated and probably need some consultation 😂..

Posted using Partiko Android

Anytime bro ,

Yeah , jerk pork is very popular! I need to make it more.

I’m looking forward to a post about your grilling. Use #jahm if u post it so it goes to the reggaesteem tribe. ( wish I could be grilling today lol)

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It was a reggae romantic wedding party ever..you are a lucky man that you witnessed the party. :D. Go JAHM!

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Lol I like how you worded it. It was indeed. Never seen anything like it lol. JAHMINZ

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This look like a good vibe in the bush. The first time I planned a camp here the people wanted to go to hotel - wah kinda camp day? Mi tell dem no sah. You know how ppl love dem comfort zone. Any I planned four to five till I decided to give it a break - takes a lot of work but they enjoyed it. The reggaesteem team
Should have a camp conference in the woods

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Lol one time I went camping on the beach with a group but one group got a little cottage..... bredda midnight forward and one piece a storm start blow down di tent them, the whole a world dud haffi guh in a di cottage lol.

Camping nice man.
That sound good, camp by the beach, yoga and ital food. Nuff tings gonna gwaan in the future

what beautiful photos the food looks very delicious ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Thanks, the jerk chicken is the best. Try making some and tell me your experience, the recipe isnt so hard.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Great read. Well written and sharp photos.
Konichiwa. s-irie

Posted using Partiko iOS

Respect Super, sometimes you just gotta go in on a post ( you do it all the time LOL). Bless UP.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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