A Different Realm

in #fivehundredcontest7 years ago (edited)

Challenge Accepted.
Hosted by @byn.

Chosen Photo Prompt.

Image Source & Contest Rules

Chosen Writing Prompt.


You wake up and find yourself in an entirely different time period or universe ...

when my eyes opened the darkness of consciousness permeated the air. The brain fog slowly wore off and I was laying in a bed, the atmosphere was old time nostalgia. I looked at my hands and I was wearing light beige gloves with small breathable holes. Suddenly, I sat up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked similar but not the same.

I was shocked to see that my makeup was similar to the women in the 1920's, dark blood red lipstick, charcoal eyes, and my hair! I could not believe that my hair was actually rolled up in shoulder length curls. The color of my hair was more on the dark reddish tone than my regular cinnamon red. I actually was wearing a netted hat that matched my pristine outfit.

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The dress I was wearing was cream with brown accents and strands of long pearls. I felt like I literally woke up in a Peeky Blinders episode. Before I knew what was actually happening a man rushed into the room and screamed at me to "hurry up that our time was up and we had to run for our lives." I shook my head knowing that I had to wake up, but I was not waking up.

The man grabbed my hand and helped me get into my fur coat. I wanted to ask so many questions but I could not find my voice. I felt like a total mute, I could not speak even when I tried. The man kept talking on and on, he would not shut up. The strangest thing was that I could not see his lips move ... we were having a telepathic conversation.

He was so excited that I could not even ask his name, I tried to resist but he got so angry that he grabbed the closest thing to him and threw the lovely vase at the mirror. Seven years of bad luck I thought to myself, and he grinned. He heard me! The man did not tell me his name but said we had to get to the car and fast. We ran down four flights of stairs and I was becoming more and more frightened.

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By the time we got to a maroon colored car I knew I was in safe hands, and got into the car as he helped me get inside. Suddenly, a car came upon us with wheels screeching to a stop that nearly crashed into the vehicle I was sitting in. The man ran to the driver's side and started the car, we peeled out of the parking spot at full speed. Everything was happening so fast that I could barely catch a breathe. I was terrified.

As we drove down the road with many twists and turns at full speed, I could barely stay in my seat. There were no seat belts and I felt like I was going to cry. My hair was flying around and I was trying to grab something fro keep from falling out of the car. I felt before I saw the car speeding behind us in the rear view mirror and my heart started to pound so loud it vibrated through my body. The man kept trying to calm me down since he could read my mind and sense my fear, but deep down we both knew we would be captured.

For a second, I thought our cars lifted off the highway, but that must have been a figment of my imagination. The realm I was stuck in, I could not escape even with the help of the man sitting next to me. I telepathically cried out for help to anyone who would listen, but no one came. We came to a bridge area and my rescuer lost control of the car and we swerved into a pillar with not much damage, but the car would not restart.

The man told me to run, but I could not run anywhere. Where was I? I had no idea. Where would I go? I could not think straight. Even if I was in a realm I had never been to before, I could not fly in this one. I stepped out of the car and tried to figure out where I would run, by the time I spotted a destination in the distance the car was upon us so quickly I barely had time to think.

I tried to wake up in my regular body, but it would not bring me back to earth. So many men came out of that vehicle that my head spun. At least three men took down my savior, and a few men came at me. They came at me cautiously as if they knew I had special powers. The one who approached me wore a white lab coat and I knew he was sent to do testing on me. He reached from inside his pocket and withdrew a large syringe.

I wanted to scream so loud with terror but I still could not use my voice. Two men came from behind me and held me steady as I tried to fight with all my strength. The doctor got a hold of my hand, toook off my glove and threw it onto the road. Then to my horror he stuck the needle into my pollicis muscle with a hard jab ...

in that one instant, I woke up in my own bed still feeling the pain of the needle that had entered that very tender spot of my hand.

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I found this contest through the daily list generated by @moneyinfant.





Nicely expressed! The interest certainly built and surprised!

Cool! Glad you liked it!

Well... this is an interesting twist. Travelling through time (and space?) to alter events through the whims of one's mind. ;c)

It was quite a thrill to read. Well done. :c)

Thanks Path!! It was a real Dreamtime experience that i fit nto the question. :p
Glad you approve. If it was poop I know I wouldn’t see you here. LOL

Your bottom standard is way higher than that dear @eaglespirit. ^_~

It is cool when our dreams make it into text medium, making the memory of such as near permanent as can be. :c)

SOmetimes you speak so formally I don’t understand what you are saying. LOL
Bottom standard?
Thank you for reading dear Path !

I am basically saying that poop is way below the worst that you have to offer. ^_~

Apologies for being a little overly formal at times. I'm stuck like this and am trapped. Kindly send assistance! ;cP

Wow, that's a twist. I like the tension between the character's expectations and the reality of the situation. Great work!

Thanks so much. It was a real dream that I had.

That's pretty cool. I have strange dreams, and I try to write them down whenever I can. I haven't really used any of them in stories yet, but I'd like to at some point.

The mirror prompted my memory and the line too, it just came together. I do not have a dream journal but I’m a Dreamwalker and traveler so I have many stories. It just has to flow.

Will check on the contest. Thanks for sharing and giving us the awareness @eaglespirit

Cool! It’s an interesting one. :)

Holy beans, this is awesome! I am so excited to see such an awesome story come from my prompt & @ikaraboutyou photograph. you are awesome. Thank you for your entry!

Buahahah holy beans is hilarious!
Thank so much for reading and yeah, the prompt
Brought forth one of my very own dreams, maybe traveling to another realm ...

Why didnt those men just take you and your entry to another realm?
Now i fear i might not win.

Lol, just kidding. This entry is da bomb!💣🔥

Dayummm, no you di int ... buahahahah

I'm glad you are kidding, thanks for reading and let the best winner take the booty home! :p

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