Fuck It, Here Goes - Five Facts About Me

in #fivefacts7 years ago (edited)


So I've seen a few people doing these "five facts about me" and "ten facts about me" posts, and I thought, why not? I rarely write anything particularly personal, partly because it feels somewhat narcissistic, but whatever, indulge me today if you have time.


1: I'm a popcorn addict.

I eat popcorn about 7 times a week. Pretty much every night, even if I don't get home until 3am. It's actually a problem for me. The thing people don't realize though, is that popcorn gives you magic powers.


2: I'm obsessed with ants.

Myrmecology is the scientific study of ants. While my interest is only a hobby, I get great joy from it. Over the years I've kept numerous colonies including my favorite species Lasius Niger, the simple garden ant. Ants show a range of fascinating behaviors, and with the right set-up one could easily spend hours observing them. What makes ants any more interesting than other animals? For starters, ants "farm" other insects. Ants build bridges. Ants bury their dead. Ants go to war. Ants are almost all female. Ants are awesome!


3: My left foot is bigger than my right.

At around 14, I got in a fight in school and fractured my right foot (you should have seen the other guy). Apparently it stopped growing after that because there's a good inch of difference between the size of my freaky feet.


4: I love African Jazz/Funk

I have fairly eclectic music taste, but African music tops the list. Check out Nigerian funk daddy Fela Kuti, to get warmed up.


5: Photography changed my life, Steemit was the cherry on top.

In 2001 I had a catastrophic health break down which left me with chronic fatigue, amongst other problems. I struggled to enjoy life for years until I picked up a camera and got involved in the local photo community here in Dublin. There I met the most amazing friends, and despite my continuing health turbulence, my life has been given joy and new meaning. Steemit has allowed me to get some extra returns on my photography, and now at the age of 37, I have more to look forward to than I ever thought possible. Stop crying you little bitch.



Anyway, let's make this an official Steemit challenge, and call it, "everyone follow and upvote @condra" ... Just kidding, perhaps, I dunno ... #fivefacts ? Up for the challenge?

I'd like to nominate some friends to write their own #factsaboutme posts, namely:
@eriluks, @vajola, @davekavanagh, @sophiesticated, @livinadream, @kamalamacan, @colmedwardsphoto, @jasonrussell @iamnotageek



What are your #fivefacts?


amazing post @condra and I can't quite believe our similarities. I too am a keem myrmerer and I made unique discoveries about Lasius Niger. I can't eat popcorn, which I love because of a strict diet. I have suffered with fatigue over the last year which led me to crypto. photography is also a key part of my existence. Fela Kuti speaks for himself. you should reveal more about yourself. It's not narcissistic. it's blogging communication. everyone loves stories !

Ants Make Tools (FROM 2004)

No way! Thanks for taking the time to read all that. We who appreciate ants are rare enough, so I'm delighted to have you on board. Following you now. Gonna head over and read that blog now too. Never heard of ants making tools before, but of course, nothing would surprise me. Also impressed that you like Lasius Niger. Being common certainly doesn't make them any less interesting than other ants.

Love, love, love the ants.

One of my favourite moments was watching workers hold a fresh born, ant outstretched while another held a grain of sand in it's mouth and scrub it all over. Amazing, intimate and quite incredible to watch. I'm not sure if it was to stimulate it or clean it. perhaps both, but it was nothing compared to the story of the blow fly leg multi-tool.

you've inspired me to write my own top ten facts and I had to avoid everything in your top 5 !! made me think a bit :) here's to the myrmoids

Haha great post dude. Mine won't be as funny, but I'll give it a try.

Great post so now we know you like popcorn and have one foot bigger than the other, and you love African jazz funk music.. what more do we need to know other than hopefully you will be sharing some great photos in the furure here on steemit because you love also love photography... yay. Take care @racykacy

Looking forward to your five facts! :)

You don't really want to know LOL

Now I'm even more curious! Reverse psychology perhaps!

Be careful @condra because you know what curiosity did to the cat... hehehe

cool move. never seen a ant lover munching popcorn before but here you are <3.

LOL best comment ever.

This is a great idea!!! I better bring popcorn next time :P

Dont worry everyone have ugly feet hah


Pop corn lover yayyy :D

Wow great, you have five facts about which one of those is steemit love. Thanks for sharing your wonderful hobby of ant inspiration. You are so fantastic to describe very beautifuly your personality. Thanks.

LOL I know you didn't mean to sound sarcastic, but if you read that comment in a sarcastic tone, it's beautiful.

I think most people has one foot bigger than the other. :-)
That's why when you try a pair of shoes there is always one tighter than the other.

That's reassuring. lol

I'll think about it ;) nice fun facts @condra....

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