Challenge Completed - Arms and Shoulders Day 660 reps on Janurary 16

Snuck in for my good old arms and shoulders workout yesterday. I really love training arms it's my favorite day.
I didn't do as big of a session as I normally would, finding it hard to find the time as I have things around the house to do which normally my mum did. I just need to get my routine right and I will be ok.
Doing my meal prep is a huge advantage and saved me the time when I get home so I don't have to cook, I can just chuck my meal in the microwave and nuke it before I get ready for the gym. If I was cooking each evening I wouldn't make it to the gym as I have to travel about an hour to get to work and back.

I was a bit down in the dumps after hopping back on the scales, they must be playing up because I was back up to 123 kgs and I really don't fluctuate like this. I find I'm very stable due to the same eating and drinking habits.
I think I'm going to invest in my own set of scales at some point, but the other gym seems to have reliable scales so I can always count on them.

I was hoping to get in the gym tonight, but I have a headache coming on so will have to skip training tonight. I'm pretty sure it's from this heat wave we are having here in Adelaide, the other day before work my nose started gushing with blood and all I did was blow it.
I have been drinking plenty of water but when your over 120 kgs and it's 40 + degrees C outside you really struggle with the heat.

Body weight 122 kgs


☠️ The Workout - Arms and Shoulders Day ☠️

💪 12 reps * 5 sets single arm bicep curl, @15kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets iso lateral tricep, @7.5kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets rear delts, @26kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets shoulder press, @27.5kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets preacher curl, @25kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets iso lateral row, @20kgs

💪 8 reps * 5 sets single bicep curl, @20kgs, @25kgs, @32kgs, @25kgs, @20kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets cable row, @21kgs, @26kgs, @31kgs, @26kgs, @21kgs

💪 20 reps * 5 sets shoulder external rotations @2kgs

💪 20 reps * 5 sets 45 degree shoulder rotations upwards @2kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets cable tricep pull down, @15kgs


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