I completed the 100 Situp Fitness Challenge!

And it was a lot of fun. I chose to compete at the Beginner level (accumulating 100 sit-ups over the course of the challenge) so I could practice an advanced sit-up skill. That skill is one I managed to develop due to my hand and then wrist injuries. Basically, I couldn't do any lifting or cage work so I spent three months working on my core. That's generalizing things a bit, but lo and behold, I went from struggling with regular touch-your-toes sit-ups to knocking out sit-ups on the GHD like it weren't no thang.

Upside down
Right side up

But it was. I told myself I'd never even try the GHD. I didn't want to because I'd had a severe abdominal hernia and seeing people complete sit-up from an upside-down position just made me hear rrrrrrrip.

Watching my friends in CrossFit classes slay the GHD beast made me think, "Hanging upside down looks really fun!" So I tried that and had to get out of being upside down, which meant sitting up. There you have it. First GHD sit-up. And it was easy so I knocked out four more while wondering who I was and how it was happening.

How it's done.

I love love love being upside down. Since I can't do handstand work, the GHD has been my best friend. I work on it nearly every day even if just to hang backwards for a nice core stretch.

Thank you to @coachjj for posting a great Fitness Challenge. I loved participating and can't wait for the next one.

What unexpected skills have you discovered?

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Whoo Hooooo! You're awesome! I really need to start my actual exercise habits up again and be more consistent at it. You're inspiring :)

Thank you! These are a lot of fun. I think you already follow @coachjj. We can be a team on the next challenge maybe @byn?

I don't think I am following @coachjj yet, but I will do so right now. I would LOVE to have someone to workout 'with' and be on your team! That would be awesome! (I'm silly excited at the thought. I am such a dork sometimes)

This is a brilliant idea, you guys! The next challenge will have a Team option!

great, you only need to practice martial arts and you will be the wonder woman ;-)

Or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ;) She's my superhero of choice.

Hahaha better yet, sexy and super powerful

You are really a hardworking women. 💪💪💪

You sure inspired all the ladies. 👍👍👍

Thank you for nice sharing. 👏👏👏

Hahaaa!!!! I could feel your sense of enthusiast in this fitness challenge.
You look strong and healthy too. Well done. @shawnamawna. 👏👏👏

I LOVE exercise! And it's been a long haul getting my body to a point I can truly enjoy the challenge of it.

Congrats on your achievement! That GHD sounds like fun—I enjoy a nice core stretch, myself. :D

It's such a great feeling. I wish I could have made it to the gym today to just hang out for awhile.

Are we saying unexpected skills? Ermmm..
Let's say I've discovered that I can do the soccer thing pretty well than I thought(poetry usually consumed my time).
But I love this fitness thing pretty well too. To me, fitness is both a psychology than physical thing(I am not saying yoga). It helps you keep a balance(As you asked in your previous post how we pursue our balance? well let's say I do fitness too. It keeps depression at bay and help put that warm smile on my face) and physically, it goes a long way in keeping the doctor away.

Agreed on all points. Exercise requires commitment, dedication and humility. There's a a lot of psychology to it.

100 sit-ups. Congratulations and OWWW!

Ow indeed. Especially when I laugh, which this comment made me do. Just bonus core work.

Way to go!! Just thinking about hanging upside down makes me dizzy, so I am in awe of you.

I love being upside down. Monkey bars were my favorite when I was a kid.

I liked going across on the monkey bars, but upside down just doesn't jive well with me.

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