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RE: 🏋️‍♀️To Fat and Back (Hopefully...) 🏋️‍♀️- A FitnessChallenge

This is awesome! Not just because of the message/goal, but also its funny and well written. I like your charts. Have you ever considered macro counter like my fitness pal? And don't be too hard on yourself, you caught the "issue" before it was out of hand. I use "" because you definitely are not fat, but its always cool seeing people wanting to get fitter. Hiit is a life saver when you're pressed for time! Good luck on your goals, and even better luck on winning since you're putting money on it!


Thank you so much! I find that I'm really good at organizing in general... it's just this health thing I've let go in the last few years.

I also LOVE charts and lists and such, so I thought if I took this approach I'd have more luck.

I have NOT used a macro counter before, but will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!

And yes, the reason I'm 'getting a hold' now is because in the next year or two, headed the same direction I've been going, I'd no doubt be a LOT worse off. I'll have a post coming up explaining why being healthy is so darned important to me... and why it feels like life and death. 😉

Thanks for the encouragement!

That's great, I'm looking forward to reading that post!

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