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RE: 🏋🏻FITNESSCHALLENGE 🏋🏻 Update: 6 weeks down

I totally do that! Fat shaming works. At least for me. 😎 I see those sexy bodies and KNOW that I, too, can achieve that. It's some serious motivation.

I tend to prefer to just do strength things then, but my real issue is still that darn cardio. If you go back to my original posts and backstory (no need... I'm LONG winded), you'd learn that I'm not really overweight as much as out of shape. About two years ago I had some super fun amazing... stresses 😏 that may have caused me to gain about 30 lbs. Like whoa. Most people don't even notice, but I do. A BIG complaint of mine that no one would care about but me: my thighs rub now. It's not cool. Not super important, but to me it is. 😀

I was going pretty strong the first month and had a rough couple of weeks. I think I can get back to it, plus more. Especially if I'm not to lose any money on this!

Thanks for the support!


Yeah, I know exactly where your coming from and let me say you are your own worst critic but that goes for everyone and I also think it can be a good thing, nothing wrong with a little self-improvement. I was in a similar boat but the opposite way around, I wanted to get bigger somewhere around 240-50 lbs and lean as I was getting into bodybuilding. I was already a big guy and pretty fit but i'm all for a good challenge. Unfortunately, I had an ACL replacement on my knee and that took away most cardio options for around 4-5 months and now I'm finding it super hard to get back into the swing of things. All in good time though sometimes you just have to listen to your body and rest is just as important as the exercise. Looking forward to seeing your progress and if you need any fitness or diet advice just let me know.

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