#1 Fat Burning Tip: Burn Body Fat Fast!!! Give it a shot for 2 Weeks

in #fitness7 years ago

Today this article is about body fat and reducing body fat percentage.

Because good things happen when you have a low body fat percentage: you look better, you feel better, and you're healthier, there's no downside to having a low body fat percentage.

But problem, there's information overload about how to reduce body fat, whether on youtube, on web, or magazines. Let me offer you my advice.

Here's the thing, the number 1 thing you can do to reduce body fat percentage, the fastest, the easiest - because everybody loves the easiest, and the safest is

To cardio, first thing in the morning, when you wake up on an empty stomach

Doing cardio first thing in the morning for 20-30 min is equivalent to doing an hour and an half later in the day.

First thing in the morning, your body is as empty and free of calories as it's gonna be. You've essentially been fasting the entire time you've been asleep, so when you wake up, you're empty, your body is depleted, and so when you start doing cardio, that depleted, your body is able to dip right into your fat stores.

It utilizes the fatty acids as the energy to keep you going. But the only way that's gonna happen, is if you're working out and doing your cardio in your target zone and how you calculate that. It's simple:

220 - your age = number That number is multiplied by .6 as well as by .75

You're gonna get two numbers. Those two numbers are your lower and upper range. In this range if you exercise, if you'd cardio, on an empty stomach, you will be using nothing but fatty acids to keep going in that zone.

eg: for a 24 year old: 220-24 = 196
lower range : 117 upper range: 147

Your body doesn't wanna give up fat, the reason, because that fat is stored energy. So if you go on a starvation, your body is gonna have that fat sustain itself. But you can kick your fat's ass. Just by doing that simple thing, getting up earlier and doing cardio.

You don't have to go the gym. You can walk around the neighborhood or jog in place. Simply get your heart rate in that zone, whatever you need to do.

There's so much information out there that is rogue science, like you gotta eat right after your workout, about anabolic window, if you do cardio on a empty stomach, you're gonna lose muscle. Muscle doesn't go away as easy as people lead you to believe.

You might have heard term 'muscle memory', i.e. if you don't workout for a while, it evaporates really fast, it doesn't go away, it simply shrinks a little bit. Then you start pumping up, giving it glycogen and then it bulks up. People, muscle is not like a precious snowflake, muscle doesn't disappear from missing meals.There are some who might argue, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Read this : Does Cardio burn muscle??

The secret to staying lean and big is to do cardio on an empty stomach in the morning. It keeps the heart rate regular. Your metabolism kicks in for the day.

Believe me or not. The deal is gentleman, try this method for two weeks with consecutive sessions. A.M. cardio sessions, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You'll get used to it. Just start, don't be like I'm hungry, I'll fade away. You'll have nothing to lose other than body fat. You will see the results.

Thanks for reading. I post fitness stuff, Upvote and follow if you like it. And Feel free to comment.


What a great post. Made for a very interesting read, keep up the good work 👍🏻

Thanks. Glad you liked it :D

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