Noxsoma Life Camp Day 545

in #fitness5 years ago

Noxsoma Life Camp Day 545
Overbrook Park
Monday December 3, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
184 lbs.
29.84% calm

There's a lot to write already. Where to I start? In this realm or the dream world?
Bizarro Dream #120418 - First I'm on a boat, a small yacht perhaps. Then i wake up (within the dream) and I'm behind the boat on/in kind of a canvas tarp being pulled by the boat. I'm more annoyed than scared... or even worried.
Alex 01.jpeg
Later, in the dream, I find myself somewhere like New Jersey. I'm walking with someone I consider a brother, he tells me I've got it made and that I'm "on the way up" if I'm quoting my dream accurately. That's what I most remembered. I was encouraged.

Later in the dream I was sharing a hotel room with my actual brother. We had two big rooms and our mom was going to join us.

At some point in the dream, I was supposed to get back to the boat, but never did. I don't go backwards in either realm. Maybe that's why I can never get back to where I start in my dreams. Maybe dreams are advising me to let stuff go.

Which brings me to the wake-up... 09:00. I guess it was a good sleep.
My sister called down to the cave where I live and told me Mom was going to the ER. Mom told me she'd planned to go last night, but the news was that she woke up with a nose bleed and a headache. She's on meds so it's a bigger deal than just a bloody nose. She was walking, talking, calm and coherent when she left. My sister went with her.

I went back to my cave, hit 25 pushups and started my day. It doesn't feel like a big deal with Mom. Maybe some kind of stress. A rash on both legs that itch and burn, (the reason she was going to the ER), the kitchen is being renovated, in slow motion, the weather changed... that affects me sometimes, and who knows what else? Oh yeah, she sleeps in her chair... comfortable, but probably the bed is better.

Mom is showing me how to live in my eighties, although I imagine my octo years will be different from hers. At that age, I guess, we can expect to go at any time and any unusual condition can easily turn into a life threatening situation... or so it seems from the outside.

25 more pushups. And 25 more while I'm waiting for my tea. Final 25. Tough, but I was tougher today. Plus a good walk to 69... about thirty minutes.

Day three of 100 pushups.

I look bigger in mirrors as I walk by. Remember, I wrote about becoming bulky?

Mom got out of the ER in about five hours. She got back home and went to sleep. More work was done on the kitchen, so next step, they take up the floor. I'm up late again. I'm eating in spurts, drinking tea, and getting more fats.

Looks like Steemit is running out of steem, so I'm running out of Steemit. I looked at my page and went from 992 followers to 85 and following no one. Glitch? Who knows?

Up late again. Goodnight.


Hello welcome! Wish you all the best. Upvoted your introduction post. Have a great journey.

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