The dangers of methyl tren: Part 2
One of the easiest black market steroids to acquire is Trenbalone which is commonly referred to as "methyl tren." This can be either injected or taken in tablet form and I have a friend who I work out with that is taking 500 micrograms per day and is on his 3rd cycle at the moment. While I have little interest in PED's I have been watching his progress with great interest, and frequently speak to him about the pros and cons that he is facing.
Things can vary greatly from person to person, and information on the internet is difficult to come by since this product is generally illegal, even though it is relatively easy to get just like a lot of drugs.
Here has been his experience thus far and do with it what you will.
Now keep in mind when I talk about Tren-tabs or methyl-tren I am not talking about the products that claim to be the same thing but are actually just some sort of herbal bullshit that doesn't do anything. I'm talking about genuine anabolic steroids here... the real deal.
Now everyone knows that roids in a general sense are potentially very harmful to you but to many bodybuilders the benefits outweigh the downsides, or so they think until it is too late. A lot of people who have used roids for years are able to slip away without any major downsides, and there are a lot of celebrities, athletes, and professional bodybuilders who have been very forthcoming about the fact that they use. You kind of have to in the bodybuilding world if you want to compete.
My friend who I am about the same strength as started taking tren a few months ago. He recently just started his 3rd cycle and his cycle consists of 3 weeks on the sauce, 1 week off it. I have no idea why it is done that way but according to him this is what people do generally. Now let's talk about the pros and cons that I have noticed in the past several months.
Very rapid muscle / strength gain
This is not my friend by the way. I obviously wouldn't put a photo of someone using an illegal substance online. This is just a stock image of some dude that I consider to be shredded. But let's talk about my friend: I have noticed in the past several months that he has put on a considerable amount of muscle that he did not have before. He estimates that he has put on at least 10 lbs of muscle in the past several months and honestly, this is not something that I think would be possible without the PED's. We have worked out on similar schedules for years and until he started using, we were always around the same size.
Now he is bigger than me by I think a lot and he has experienced a massive increase in overall strength. People that lift realize how difficult it can be to make an increase of just 10 lbs on a bench press and this must be done in tine increases that take place over long periods of time. In just a few months, my friend has tripled that with what appears to be relative ease.
Very fast recovery time
Normally, if I do a heavy chest day. I have to take a break from that for several days to allow time for muscle recovery and growth. My friend now almost never takes breaks and doesn't ever feel sore, even though he is working out the same muscle groups sometimes multiple days in a row.
I do not believe that this would be possible using any other means than steroids and hence, their popularity with weight-lifters. I have to admit that I envy his muscle growth and recovery but I'm still not going to get involved and for the reasons that I am going to lay out next.
Keep in mind that this information comes from my observations of ONE PERSON and of course we are all different so other people's results could be very different.
Increased sweating / body temperature
The idea in any workout is to sweat to a certain degree but I have noticed during out workouts that he is sweating profusely. This was not the case before. He has told me that his body temperature just feels hot basically all the time and that there really isn't anything he can do to stop this. I do not know what causes this, but since I have known the guy for a long time and he wasn't like this before, I am going to presume it is from the juice.
Difficulty sleeping
My friend has told me that sleep eludes him, no matter how much he works out when he goes to bed he simply cannot achieve sleep. In order to counteract this he is now taking sleep aides and at least in my mind, this is not a good thing because now he is potentially creating an addiction to sleeping pills. He has told me that sleep will not come without the pills, so now we have that.
Rather intense cramping
This is the one that scares me the most. He has informed me that he frequently, like 10-20 times a day, experiences intense muscle spams and cramping that is extremely painful. This is mostly in the neck, back, and stomach and he says that when it happens it is extremely painful and there is nothing that you can do other than wait for it to pass. This doesn't come from any strenuous activity but just comes out of nowhere from doing something like sitting up in bed, or simply yawning.
Constant fatigue
My friend likened his situation to Ed Norton's character in Fight Club in the way that even though he can't ever sleep, he feels exhausted all the time. He has difficulty getting motivated to do anything and he says that the only time this isn't the case is when he is working out, which he does several times a day.
To me this doesn't make a great deal of sense but I believe him because he stands to gain nothing by lying to me about it.
So there you have it folks, the benefits and dangers of one of the most commonly available steroids on the black market. As far as I know, this isn't a drug that is often prescribed for people for legitimate reasons and the only thing I can find is that it is a treatment for certain types of asthma.
For him, he is happy that he is using this stuff despite the side-effects. While I am a bit jealous of his muscle gain and what not, I don't think that the downsides would be something I would be willing to deal with. This is before we factor in the potential long-term effects of liver and kidney damage, which almost everyone agrees is all but guaranteed.
I guess you could say that I wish him the best but for me, I think that this product is very dangerous and I don't really recommend that anyone use it. Looking good is great and all, but for me if it means I am going to sweat like a pig, be exhausted all the time yet incapable of sleep, and frequently experience shocking pain out of nowhere, it just doesn't seem like a good idea.