Fat People Food - Fit People Food

in #fitness2 years ago

The time has come to decide what sort of person you want to be by choosing whether you'll eat food for obese people or food for fit ones.

When I made the decision to be in shape, Guest Posting I had to distinguish clearly between the foods that were nourishing me and those that were damaging me. I remained ignorant of the negative consequences of my regular travels too fast food restaurants and amazing ice cream adventures for a very long time. While you're consuming them, fatty foods just appear so innocent. Let's face it, everything tastes delicious, including donuts, cookies, cake, hamburgers, French fries, and ice cream.

What is good for you may not always be good for you, though. The moment you emerge from the delicious flavor cloud, weight gain and low self-esteem are waiting for you. My adoration of hamburgers, extra-large fries, and strawberry milkshakes caused my blood pressure to spike, landing me in acute care. It is time for us to understand that the foods we adore do not adore us in return. Foods with little to no nutritional content do great damage to our bodies by increasing our susceptibility to illness. By choosing whether to eat food for obese people or food for fit people, you must decide what kind of person you want to be.

Foods from fat people will make you put on weight and become fat. If you regularly consume foods that are made for obese individuals, you are either already overweight or soon will be. What foods do overweight people eat? Glad you asked, and here it is: cakes, cookies, candies, crackers, cornbread, pastries, high-sugar cereals, sugary beverages, fried foods (meat, potatoes, anything), mayonnaise, full-fat salad dressing, full-fat cream cheese, full-fat sour cream, full-fat milk, ribs, corned beef, fillet mignon, pepperoni, salami, butter, non-organic peanut butter, and lard, among other things.

If at all, I would advise against consuming these items more than twice a week. These foods contain a lot of calories, and eating too many of them can result in weight gain and obesity. It doesn't take much time or effort to burn off food that is made for obese individuals. Everyone who has put on weight and then shed it "the correct way" will confirm this.
You can lose weight and become more physically fit by eating meals that fit individuals eat. If you regularly consume foods made for fit people, you are probably at a healthy weight today or soon will be. What foods are good for fit people? Glad you asked, and here it is: Lean meats (baked, broiled, or grilled), beans and lentils, low-fat cheese, low-fat salad dressing, low-fat mayo, low-fat sour cream, low-fat cream cheese, organic peanut butter olives, olive oil, tofu, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, and skim milk, among other healthy options, are all examples of fresh fruits and vegetables.

90% of your regular diet should consist of items that are good for getting fit. These foods are loaded with disease-fighting vitamins and minerals and have very few calories. Eating foods made for fit people makes it simpler to reach your weight loss objectives. When you work out, foods for fit people produce greater effects and give you more energy. Make a promise to yourself to consume healthy foods and to never regret finishing a meal.

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we also need to take into account alcohol. Most of the people I know that drink beer on a regular basis start to have weight problems in their late 30's and early 40's. This seems to be the most difficult thing to stop doing as well.

Excess of anything is bad.

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