Ending week 6 on a good note.

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)

What's going on, Steemians?

I'm posting a little later than usual cause the workout was delayed a bit, going back to how hectic it's been lately lol. That's OK, we still got in there and got the work done.


Warm up.


If you want to light up those quads in less than 2 minutes, do this.

Working sets.


Today was a good workout to end this block on. I didn't get passed the two reps on the top set, or anything but everything felt good.



Front squats again for accessory work. Maybe the next block we'll switch to Bulgarian split squats or something, who knows. It's been nice going heavier on front squats though, I enjoy that so we'll see if I want to switch.



I'm not gonna lie, this was much more challenging than it looked on paper lol. It doesn't help that both Tarick and I did chest yesterday so the push ups were killer.

As you can see, the top set was still super grindy. After the workout something dawned on me though, I'm 5lbs lighter than I was when I PR'd with 380. Maybe it's not a huge difference but I'm willing to bet it's playing a role in how hard these reps are moving.

I had a photo of my rep count right here until I realized I forgot to add in the front squat reps.
569 reps for this workout.

Join us in the fitness challenge we would love to have some new members get in there and add to our daily rep count!

Have a great Saturday night everyone!


Killer squat day! It makes me so happy to see others squat ass to grass lol

Thanks! The way I see it, I'm not gonna make any real progress faking reps lol

Haha same here! No quarter or half reps allowed

Tried your conditioning today and it was awesome. Your posts are very usefull for others who look for a way to manage their workouts !

Dang man, thank you! That's so awesome to hear! Do you typically do some conditioning to finish a workout?

I do it on my rest days but not on a regular basis. Maybe I should try them regularly :D What is your advice? Doing them on rest days or directly after a workout ?

I personally do them after every workout. With the program I'm following it calls for strict rest days so I don't do anything in the gym on those days.

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