8 Fitness Travel Tips for Flying Lean

in #fitness7 years ago
  1. Bring. your. meals! Being prepared is always numero uno toward success in Anything! Travel days are no exception- indeed, it's always harder to find healthy food choices at rest stops or airport hubs than it is in your daily routine.

  2. Pack with the essentials. Invest in a solid insulated cooler like one from @6packbags. They have lots of compartments for everything like stevia, protein shake, ice packs, utensils, condiments etc and come in a variety of styles from posh to sporty in any color you like. Don't bother bringing a serrated knife or thawed ice packs, they'll be confiscated.

  3. Meal prep tips. Food: no liquids! I weigh and bag proteins, veggies, carbs & fats separately for two reasons: 1) it is easy to grab exactly what you need when you need it and 2) you can pack more in a small cooler if you nix the otherwise convenient containers. Bring more than you think you'll need so you can always snack on veggies in case you're tempted to eat the on-board snacks. Drinks: I always bring stevia to flavor calorie-free options that are free on-board most carriers like seltzer, black coffee or tea. Finally...proper #Fitiquette would remind us to be mindful of other passengers so maybe keep the garlic curry cauli mash for post flight meal... I still use hot sauce or mustard though! Or stevia!

  4. Hydration and preventative care. Strength Sensei Charles Poliquin reminds us to drink 8 oz of water for every hour in flight, and another 8 oz for each hour in time difference at your final destination. Bring a refillable glass bottle or be the annoying thirsty passenger who hounds constantly for mini water bottles. Additionally, there is no shortage of bacteria and travel viruses when you're packed like sardines with foreign germ orbs. Take extra vitamin C, vitamin D, quercetin, probiotics and some natural moisturizing balm like the all in one Bee Magic Wand by Medicine Mama's with you in your under-seat bag. This helps to ward off flight-bound illness, water retention and dry passages/skin when traveling.

  5. Get up and stretch. Every hour at least. Walk the aisle a few times, do some quad/hip flexor stretches since you're stuck in a flexed seated position, twist etc.

  6. Stretch in your seat. Don't forget to breathe. Interlace your fingers, flip your palms and extend skyward as you root down through your sit bones. And twist. Breathe deep! Roll the shoulders up, back and down a few times.

  7. In flight blood movement. Every time you get up, stretch the legs, do a set of 20 reverse lunges by the washroom and 2 sets of 20 squats. While you'll certainly raise some brows, you'll probably inspire other passengers to do the same.

  8. Dress for success. Personally I wear compression gear: stirrup leggings and a long sleeve top by @skins, under looser "harem" pants and a tidy blouse, with a scarf to keep my neck warm. This helps to prevent swelling and water pooling under the skin from lack of circulation and elevation changes. Finally, don't forget to thank your inflight crew for honoring any special requests you've made!

Adapted from my blog in 2016.

With love and gratitude,



Love your posts Kate! Keep 'em coming. Really nice touch on thanking the flight crew too :)

Thank you!! Fly safe !

"20 reverse lunges by the washroom" How big are the airplanes you're flying in? Haha. Check out my articles on travel fitness if you have a chance!

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