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RE: Fitness Myths: Muscle turns into fat if you stop lifting

in #fitness4 years ago (edited)

What really matters is health. You don't have to have the biggest muscles in the world to be the best. Rocky did beat that bigger Russian guy in the boxing match in that movie. Jackie Chan is not as big as Arnold but is a bad ass. Chuck Norris can walk on water and his arms are not as big as Hogan. Well, I love Hulk Hogan. I love Arnold. But I would not make it a goal in my life to be only really big or really skinny or really fat or really this or that. Instead, I should simply focus on making good choices in my life and take it one day at a time and each person is different. Each person has a different kind of body to some degree.


and that is a fantastic way to live. We don't all need to strive to look like a superstar, just live a bit healthy and get a bit of exercise in.... feel good about you.

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