holofit Update #1 - The Starting Line

in #fitness6 years ago

The Current State

To say that I've struggled with my weight throughout my life is an incorrect statement. I have struggled with my mass. Physics jokes now out of the way, we can move into the point of this post.

Exercise. The Gym. Eating Better Food. Losing Weight.

Yesterday, I had some measurements done as the starting point of an exercise and clean-eating program that I'm to become one with. Provided, of course, my piriformis muscle (does stuff in your glutes, hamstrings, and hips) doesn't decide to turn into a spasmodic mess of mitochondrial respiration.

I have no shame in sharing the foremost, of these numbers, being my mass.

112.5 KG, clothed, sweaty, and bearded; after a workout consisting of a few supersets, some HIIT, and core-strengthening activities like planks.

For those on imperialistic measurements: 248 pounds. That's roughly $435.42 Australian dollars for the British among you. See what I did there?

Today, after a long day of sitting on my backside, working; I went for 6 kilometre walk to try and loosen up my back and get some nice momentum going following yesterday's session in the gym. Tomorrow, I'll be back in the gym, and start to take a look at a more consistent meal-plan; with the objective of dropping down to 90KG (198 lbs) by Christmas time.

It'll happen. Yet all I want to do right now is eat a nice, warm, crunchy, sugar coated, crusty apple pie. That won't be conducive to the objectives I've detailed above.

The Past State

Once upon a time, three years ago, I was approximately 130KG, or 286lbs. Weight gain is easy, particularly when all you're doing for lunch is eating two packets of ramen noodles and then following that up with an afternoon burger, prior to washing it down with solvents after a day's work.

Me, trying to look suave, and failing; at a thing.
Coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and no general enthusiasms outside eating deliciously roasted, or fried potatoes; this was a delicious recipe for obesity.

I had joined a gym, jumped on an elliptical trainer for an hour, and my calves hurt for three days. I kept doing this every day, gradually introducing weight training to my program, moving into boxing, and neglecting any hard cardiovascular activity.

My lowest weight after about two years of doing this continuously was about 95KG. I know I can do better now.

The Interruption

Then, I moved house, got made redundant, and started gorging on food, in particular junk, more often than what I should. I found myself back at 120KG, and realised it was time to change gears again. At around the same time, I found myself in a cardioligist's office, losing chest hair over halter monitor sensors, and sleep over ultrasound results.

Luckily, the cardiologist said I had the healthiest heart he'd seen in years. Not sure that's a great diagnosis to begin with.

This was a terrifying wake up call. Introducing dietary changes; I've dropped back to my current state, 112.5; which is a number that will probably get weekly updates.

I expect to see an initial spike in weight, as new muscle mass starts to form through a mixture of cardio and weight lifting, before starting to see kilograms melt off my body, and T-Shirts, pants, and other things start to look like heshin sacks.

Not that my clothes are gorgeous gowns made of spider's silk. They definitely are not.

The Future

From here, I plan to eliminate the sweet things that I enjoy - apple pie, dark chocolate, stealing candy from orphaned babies; and focus on healthier replacements. I've come to thoroughly enjoy a smoothie made of three ingredients: a banana, some blueberries, and almond milk.

My cat may become suddenly very interested in my diet.

There'll be a lot of chicken, turkey, salmon, and tuna in my diet, so I'll expect to be suffering from mercury poisoning very, very soon. I'm becoming increasingly fond of asparagus, and I absolutely love broccoli and cauliflower. I'll have to stay away from strawberries, as they're an incredible weakness.

Finally, there will be a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, and an elevated heart rate. So long as my hamstring / piriformis / hip remains in tact, and I'm able to remain consistent in my exercise regime, I expect that this will be a very quick journey.

I know I can do it. I've done it before.


Nice work mate. I've been making some changes recently and have lost 8.8kg in the last 6 weeks but still have a long way to go.

Keep at it brother, I too have had a mass problem lately lol. I'm getting strict on myself from now on, started monday and cut out all the junk food. That's half the battle but healthy eating has many more benefits other than the old waist line ;)

Cheat meal are burgers at the Jade each month, right?

Haha yeah I can't say no to them burgers, they taste so damn good :D

Ironically I'd like to get back to my weight in that photo :)
You'll do great, mate.

Too much birthday cake from that night. :)

You got this in the bag! However I don't know how you can say you're going to have to stay away from strawberries, that's crazy speak! :D I found the mindset of gaining a healthy body rather than losing weight works beautifully as well. Power to you, go get it! I have some books you might like to read, no pressure, only if you're interested - maybe at the next meetup.

You got this in the bag! However I don't know how you can say you're going to have to stay away from strawberries, that's crazy speak! :D I found the mindset of gaining a healthy body rather than losing weight works beautifully as well. Power to you, go get it! I have some books you might like to read, no pressure, only if you're interested - maybe at the next meetup.

I took up running a while back and managed to lose quite a bit of weight. Before you say "But I am not a runner"; thats what I always said. I have done 3 half marathons this year. Its not huge when compared to seasoned runners...but it makes me happy. Good luck with your journey.

I've got to take it easy when it comes to running - physiotherapist's orders. Ignoring those orders, yesterday, I managed about 1km on the treadmill at 8kilometres per hour (which is probably more of a jog) - that put my heart rate straight to 180 :D

I'll definitely be building a bit more of that into my routine as I strengthen the hips / piriformis and hamstrings.

Yeah, as soon as you try to start too fast / increase mileage, weakness in the hips will cause endless injuries. I personally suffer with ITB (knee) issues if I do not strengthen the hip / core parts.

Lol, I like how you converted kg to lb to £.

Why would you give up strawberries? 100 calories is like 2 bowls or something. You can literally eat heaps of them.

Also, you might like Dr Greger's youtube. He presents peer-reviewed studies on all things health and nutrition.

I'll literally eat 500gm of strawberries if you let me. When we went strawberry picking at a farm, I think the staff were ready to escort me away. I love strawberries. I'd eat a bucket full, or more!

That's nothing! Plus you're getting all the vitamins in them. Go for it, I say.

Strawberries all day, everyday!

That’s some great progress mate. You’ll hit your target. It takes a spot of dedication and consistency. But just like rocking your way to mammal status on here, it’s all achievable.

Thanks! Any tips you can share from your experience in the industry?

It sounds like you’re on the right track. Does the dirt you’ve been recommended read like a body building diet?

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Great work Bro!

With you, me, and @mattclarke on the fitness train look out world :)

We will have to catch up and go do a session or something.

#justdonteatthefrozenberries #ibelieveinthebeard

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