Strong Enough! 💪

in #fitness6 years ago

After years of life passing me by, I've finally taken back what is mine...

Anyone can tell you that having 3 kids changes a woman's body. Hello love handles.

Anyone can tell you that the stress of life can prevent you from achieving goals...and often times it will add weight gain. Hello 30 pounds in 6 months...thanks Ben and Jerry's.

And everyone knows what will fix it. You just need to commit!

I've been trying with a half heart for 7 years to make my body something I'm proud of. Now after 2 months of walking and planking I have finally lost enough fat and gained enough muscle to try something I've watched my husband do all the time!

Dolphin Pose!

I feel amazing! And I encourage everyone out there to take back what is theirs and make something happen!

▶️ DTube

You're doing a great job getting back in shape. Good luck.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! I'm excited to see what the next months hold!

Amazing job, Stacie D! You go girl! You can take on anything.

Thank you Ceci! I feel like I can do anything!

Congratulations, you held it way longer than I would have been able to if I could do that, and you looked fantastic doing it too. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Ahhh thank you!! It felt so good! I hope you have a beautiful night!!

You're welcome! :D Were you dizzy at all afterwards? I think I would have been, especially after anymore than a couple of seconds, and you did it for 45 seconds or so, which is very impressive to me. :D
Thank you, we had a nice quiet night here. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Ya know, I wasn't dizzy...and thank you! I felt really good! This evening though I did a hand stand assisted by my dad...who had just done one haha...and all the blood rushed immediately to my head and I came right back down!

That's strange that you had no trouble doing dolphin pose in the video and couldn't do the handstand without getting lightheaded tonight, maybe the difference in distance of your head from the floor is what caused the issue...I wonder if there are any fitness experts on here that might know for sure. :D It would be interesting to find out if it were. :D
I hope you didn't hurt yourself coming down suddenly like that, I'm sure some day very soon you'll be able to do a hand stand if you want to. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Thank you for that boost of encouragement! I asked both my dad and the hubs why it made me dizzy and they said it was probably all the pressure I was using to push against the floor. With dolphin pose I had a wide base of support, but the hand stand was just my hands. Like bench pressing.

You're welcome lovely lady! :D That makes sense, probably more than my thought about the difference in distance being the issue. :D I'm sure you'll get it eventually though. :D
God bless you and your fantastic family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Oh yes, 3 kids later and I don’t recognize this stomach. Add that there just doesn’t seem to be any time to take care of myself, and the body suffers. Congrats to being strong!!

Thank you! It still feels like taking care of my physical self is the first thing on the chopping if my day is full. I'm working on that. And stomach is so different. I'm really hoping as I work on a six pack (my goal) that my skin can heal more and tighten back up. 😀

oh my gosh - i was literally cheering you on from my computer LOLOLOLOL

way to go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and your "i don't remember" was so funny cuz it was really like "Ummmmm do you see what i'm doing here please don't throw me off" hahahahahahaha

and he picked up on it fast! cuz he was like - DOLPHIN POSE! HAHAHAHAHA

Haha thanks for cheering me on! It was sooo incredible!

And yes! I just couldn't think of anything other than not falling over!

Well done!!!

I remember the first time I was able to do a headstand, the feeling was ecstatic.

Right?! Thanks for watching! Do you yoga?

Good for you! You have 3 kids and yet you look wonderful.. while me i just have 2 and i look more than a whale with no power! Hahaha

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Hahaha always remember you can make anything happen!

I'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you!!! ❤

haha! good for you girl! I didn't know what a Dolphin pose was, that is very cool and takes some strength and coordination, I wonder if I can still do that? anyway thank you, you are an inspiration!

Thank you!! That made me smile! Were you able to do something like that before?

howdy again freedomtowrite! hey you guys are in the Alliance aren't you? anyway yes I could do that and I might be able to still do it but I don't know, the balance part is what I'm out of practice with. I that good for your back and for the circulation or is there something else specific that it helps? or does it just prove that you're in good shape? lol.

Haha well, I think the first time it just proves you're in good shape! But after that I think it is amazing for your core. I also just researched it and they said it was good for your lymphatic system and focus. So, if you're able, go for it!

Also, yes, I'm apart of the alliance, but the hubs is not. 😀

oh ..I see.. he got rejected huh? I can understand why. lol. just teasing, I don't even know you guys but you seem way too wonderful!
ok so the Dolphin stance is better than planking?

Haha they turned him flat down! Lol just kidding...he hasn't applied 😉

Ya know...I hadn't thought to compare the two. But I think they're probably equally good in their own rights. Since plank isn't balancing it can be held longer and different muscles can be targeted, while dolphin pose has a lot more focus involved.

howdy back again freedomtowrite! are you a personal trainer? because that was a great answer, very professional!
are you guys on the road? I went to your blog but I need to go to the crookedroad one.

Haha thank you! I'm not a physical trainer, but I was a dance teacher 😀 We are on the road, and are about to head to Toronto for the Steem Creators conference!

Stacy D that was a very impressive Dolphin Pose. Way to go 💪🏻 I haven’t attempted one yet myself. How long have you been practicing?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you! Well, haha, I hadn't tried it in about 4 years! The Yeti and I love's our go to for stength and flexibility, one day I would love to practice it regularly! 😀 Do you practice yoga?

No yoga for me. I like rock climbing 🧗‍♀️

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha I've always thought rock climbing was so cool! How long have you been doing it?

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