7 weeks postpartum.... fitness update

in #fitness5 years ago (edited)

Hey beautiful people of Steemit!

This week I feel great and have actively started working out again! I now weigh 60kg, compared to last time I posted. My workouts include running to the bathroom a zillion times a day to change diapers with a baby in my hands (basically the equivalent of a 4kg dumbbell). To limit my calorie intake, I simply forget to eat myself, as I'm feeding my little guy.

You think I'm joking? LOL I'm not!

No, seriously now, I actually have started working out again for real. I started jumping rope as a warm up, and am lifting weights again, working on arms, back and legs. of course, I have to do this whenever I find time, which is not nearly as often as I would like to. Also, sometimes I have time but lack the energy and just collapse on my couch instead....

Here's a pic of where I'm at currently (week 1 vs. week 7) !

Collage_Fotor 7 w.jpg:

Collage_Fotor 7 weeks.jpg

Collage_Fotor 7 w.jpg

My dad came to visit us from Colombia, and he actually thinks I look better with a few extra pounds on. I beg to differ, but I'm quite satisfied with the results so far! I'm not even trying hard, and the fat is melting away. I can thank breastfeeding for this, as it makes you burn more calories.

Another perk of breastfeeding is that it's really boring and takes a while, so you can catch up on any TV shows on Netflix while doing it! I recently saw the last seasons of "Stranger Things" (awesome BTW, better than season 1 or 2 IMHO!), "Jessica Jones" (also not bad at all!) and "When they see us". That last one one blew my mind in a bad way, and I think I cried during every episode. I highly recommend it, especially since it's based on a true story and that case is really fucked up.

Otherwise what's new here?

I noticed some sad ass mofos down-voting my posts and those of some of my friends. Funny how some people don't have a life, and quite ridiculous in my opinion since the value is so low, it doesn't even make a difference. Here's the effect you have on me:

So whoever you are with your fake accounts, knock yourselves out if that makes you happy....

Also, I still need to make a video, but I simply don't have time to edit anything. I'm so sorry to let the @dtube community down. I hope to get things more under control in the near future to get in some new vlogs (I know, promises, promises!)

Enjoy your week everyone, I'll try to find time to read your blogs and leave some comments (and if I don't please know it's because the days are too short!)


eve signature.png


Wow, looking good Eve! This must be one of the most impressive get-back-in-shape-after-pregnancy ever :) Keep up the momentum :)

ahhh thanks Peter! Motivation, motivation =) How have you been? I have to click around your blog and see what you're up to and where you are at the moment =)

Haha it is ok :) Currently back in Europe, taking a break from the scorching Mexican heat :D

You look amazing! I wouldn't say that it's just 7 weeks that you delivered your baby! :)

I also get these downvotes from time to time from accounts with 15 SP, lol :D They probably don't have life...

Thanks hun!!!! Hop you are doing well!!!

Yes these downvotes are quite ridiculous...oh well...there's douches everywhere lol

Nice. Glad your "return to fitness" is going well. Yeah, I remember my sister complaining about how slow they are at drinking. Netflix wasn't around then (at least not the streaming version of today) when she had her kids but I think she watched a lot of tv as well. Have you watched the OA? I watched it recently and really liked it.

YES omg I love that TV show! I can't wait for them to make a new season!

Wow that's some awesome progress, well done! Even though I can't have a baby it makes me feel slightly lazy lol

ahahahah no worries, I got lazy too, even before baby =) Thanks for stopping by, and for the motivational words!

Damn fine! Nice work! Loving it!

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you =)

Nice work! You look amazing! Hope y’all are doing well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

thank you!!! Doing well! Can't wait to start BJJ training again (hopefully in a couple of weeks or so...)

I’m sure the fat will burn off even quicker. You know how it is! Keep us updated :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will, i PROMISE =)

you're getting back in shape Eve! great job! i recently got back on steemit, and i just know that you have a newborn child! congrats!

Andy!!! It's nice to hear from you after so long. How have you been? Yes, ahaha I've been busy during your absence lol

Im good! Just recently got back on steemit! Parenthood must be keeping you occupied a lot these days hehe

wow! Terrific!

That's an amazingly inspirational steem blog. First of all congratulations, people with a dedicated mind only can achieve such results. Good that you included the photos otherwise people might think it was just for the sake of a post and you are joking.

Take Care

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you =)

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