Swimming PoolsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fitness7 years ago

All that starts with the letters 'com' is complicated.

Alien is an imaginary belief, same as outer space and planets.

Physical freedom is in perfect balance with mental slavery... Craig :)



Nice video at the pool Craig! Thank you for voting up seven of my posts within the last month!

What about community? :P

Enjoy that life brother, appreciate the message back on Facebook today about BitConnect, loving the returns even from just the test 500 I started with a few days ago, big big deposits going in now and the next few days because of you!

The haters might be on a mission, but game recognize game, I trust your word and mission, much love brother to you and the fam!

You're getting into fighting shape Craig!

Splash Splash

Love your hair!!

In your last swimming pool live streaming video, you hope and speculate that Bitcoin should reach $4000 by Saturday...Now today it has almost reached your predicted price target..Truly awesome!


Hey hey,
saw one of your youtube videos last week (pre steeem)
and i thought wow what an awesome concept... now im here and im following you!!! yay!

Thank you for taking the time to create this article. Always great to get insight and help for newcomers like myself!
I am your follower and I will be thankful if you give your precious Upvote to me.!!

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