Medicated Green Tea & Fresh Picked 🍓 Snack

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)


Today I went for my normal Monday yoga class & it was cancelled, instead they had a Pilates class. Was my 2nd Pilates class ever & I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of good work for my hips butt & stomach, & a few different movement patterns that my body is not used to.

Anytime you can break your normal exercise routine & add new movements you’re gonna stimulate underused muscles in new ways & hopefully improve overall function. I am gonna keep an eye on the Pilates class schedule & go build some more strength, core strength is key 🔑

After my class & a few errands, time for a midday recovery snack of some fresh picked sweet strawberries from my garden. & Japanese green tea with a giant double heaping tablespoon of cannabis infused coconut oil, fermented turmeric powder, & a squirt of mct oil to balance the sugar out a little.


I love eating fresh picked fruit this time of year but, it is a lot of sugar waiting to be eaten! It is either me or the slugs though so I might as well enjoy them & be disciplined to cut out my other sugar sources!

I hope you all are focusing on getting a good workout & good food as well, we are what we eat & our bodies reflect how we spend our time, no matter how fancy the clothes we put on them are.

“Namaste you guys”


Yeah dude nice patch! Show the pup next time? :)
I miss growing berries but I'm thankful I'm able to garden a little here in this apartment. It could be much much worse, and has been much worse, so I'm counting my blessings.
Let's get high! :D

When bubba gets cotton mouth 😂


Awwwwww, big Bubba! :D

Awesome Strawberry Patch!

Thanks man, picking $5-$10 a day worth at store prices & much tastier & for sure clean as can be

Im gonna make some strawberry wine soon.

I am not a fan of alcohol, but a little summer wine from fruit from the garden would be delicious

That’s a beautiful garden and a nice strawberry patch! I wish my fruits were ripe enough to eat. Exercise is always great for the mind, body, and soul. It is great to change up your work-out routines. I enjoy a more strength training but yoga and pilates is great and a bit relaxed.

Lifting weights was the day before 👍

I like yoga for recovery, melts soreness & allows muscles to move more efficiently

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