Today's 10 minute at your desk workout

in #fitness8 years ago

Todays 10 minute bodyweight desk exercises. A lot of people today spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer. New studies every year show the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. Increased heart disease, obesity, and an increased risk of diabetes are just a few of the dangers of inactivity. It only takes 10 minutes of movement each day along with a healthy diet to fight off these harmful effects. Just doing these 5 bodyweight exercises will help keep your body awake and limber.

Romanian split squats.............................. 10 reps each leg

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Push ups...................................10 reps

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Planks.................................. 30-45 seconds

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Bodyweight squats...................15 reps

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sit throughs 10 each leg.

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Do each exercise without stopping in between. Repeat this through 3 times with a one minute break between each round for a quick full body workout.


Thanks for posting. Moving for just a few minutes every hour does the body so much good!

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