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RE: Exercise without diet = no meaningful weight loss

in #fitness5 years ago

It is pretty rare that I exercise, I wish I did, but it just isn't something I am motivated to do. I have been walking with my wife on the weekends more than I used to so that is good. She recently moved to a 1200 calorie diet and by default I have kind of moved that way too. I eat a lot healthier now that I am with her than I did before we met. I think because of that I have been pretty much the same weight for the past ten years. 250 Lbs. is still more than my doctor would like me to be, but I just don't feel like taking the step of cutting out the sweets that I occasionally enjoy. I wish PBR still made a light beer. I would drink that for sure!


i think the first thing a person should do in life is be happy. This is why i refuse to eliminate alcohol from my life despite the fact that it would definitely make me much more fit.

Be happy first, then worry about the other crap. I think you are playing this game right buddy.... don't worry.

Thanks! Ultimately the goal my wife and I have is to just be healthy so that we can be around for each other as long as possible. If that means we end up losing some weight in the process then that is just a bonus!

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