in #fitness6 years ago

Hey friends!

I woke up SO SORE today. I'm excited! It might sound crazy, but I actually like being sore... It lets me know I pushed myself and got some work done in muscles that hadn't be challenged in awhile :)

So Chris and I did an awesome workout yesterday that absolutely fried our legs (and butts!), but that didn't require a whole lot of equipment or any machines...

Photo Cred: SA Fit Photo

This is pretty easily adaptable if you need to make changes based on space, equipment, or weights - we like things that anybody can do, and that we can be tweaked to become more challenging or more specific as needed!

If you're looking for a leg-heavy workout that really gets your blood pumping, give this a try! Just don't count on being able to walk very well the next day ;) can't say we didn't warn you!

Here's what we did:

5 Sets of 12 reps of each of the following exercises, with 60-90 seconds on the Assault Bike (but any cardio movement works) in between sets. Do all 5 sets of one movement before moving on to the next one.

  1. Walking lunges (I used 35lb dumbbells, Chris used 50lb)

  2. Barbell Front Squats (I used 95lbs, Chris used 135lbs)

  3. Bulgarian Split Squats (15lbs/hand, 30lbs/hand)

Finish with the following burnout:

AMRAP 8 (As Many Rounds As Possible in 8-12 minutes - we did 8 minutes)
4A. 10 reps/arm Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch
4B. 10 Jump Squats
4C. 10 Weighted Sit Ups (plate or dumbbell on chest)

I wish we'd taken some photos to show you guys the movements, but we were in an absolutely packed gym trying to get our workout in while avoiding other sweaty bodies and flying barbells... Typical day at a CrossFit "box" haha :) if you guys are interested, we can make a video or take some pictures later on to better illustrate what we're getting into!

If you choose challenging weights and keep moving at a pretty good pace (aka avoid resting) you'll be absolutely smoked by the end of this... At least we were!

Photo Cred: SA Fit Photo

This is basically our version of a hybrid between Muscle and Fitness' "Built For The Beach 3.0" and the cardio acceleration concept borrowed from Jim Stoppani's "Shortcut to Shred" programs. We like the ideas from both and we don't have a ton of time to work out each day, so we put them together to create a program that we love - it should be fun to see what kind of progress we can make over the next few weeks!

Give it a try (if you dare) and let me know what you think!

Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem if you'd like! :)

My Post (3).jpg


My legs hurt too but just coz i have a bad flu =( I want come back running asap.

Oh nooooo :( I'm so sorry! That's the worst feeling, those body aches :( I hope you feel better soon!!!

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