Life knowledge, spring carp can eat? (Original) 生活常识,春季的鲤鱼能不能吃?

in #fishing8 years ago

In China there is a fish called "carp", there are many varieties of carp, carp in China's natural reservoir lakes, the Yangtze River, Yellow River are widely distributed in many cities in China, People love to eat Carp, today I want to tell you that the carp is not anyone can eat, not any season you can eat carp, I have done statistics and surveys, the spring carp can not eat? The answer is "the best not To eat spring carp ", if the body is not good, such as before the surgery, no matter how delicious you do, it is easy to cause related diseases, inflammation.
在中国有一种鱼叫“鲤鱼”,鲤鱼有许多的品种,有荷包里,锦鲤,螺鲤等等,鲤鱼在中国的自然水库湖泊,长江,黄河都大量分布,中国许多的城市,人们爱吃鲤鱼,今天我想告诉大家的是,鲤鱼不是任何人都能吃,并不是任何季节的鲤鱼你都能吃,我曾经做过统计和调查,春季的鲤鱼能不能吃? 得到的答案是 “最好不吃春季的鲤鱼”, 如果身体不好,比如以前动过手术, 不管你如何做得美味,春季鲤鱼是大发之物,很容易引发相关的病症,炎症.

I am in Zhelin Lake, and the Anling micro-Tongling an angler fishing together, he night fishing 200 kilograms, the next day to leave, only take a fish, the other fish all back into the water, I asked him why he released the fish, he said the spring carp can not eat, he ate many times, every time into the hospital.

I read to the relevant information, there are many problems, but from the beginning of carp habits, carp like it underwater activities, like to eat snail and screw, shrimp, we know that many waters in China, such as the Poyang Lake region , Snails with schistosomiasis, so we usually dare not easily into the water, perhaps some people are afraid, and later not to eat, there is a layer of reasons, carp spring stomach is very large, mating carp eat one, the equivalent of thousands Thousands of small fish
回来我查阅了相关的资料,确实是有许多的问题,但这要从鲤鱼习性开始, 鲤鱼它喜欢在水底下活动,喜欢吃田螺和螺丝,虾,我们知道在中国许多水域,比如鄱阳湖地区,螺是带血吸虫,所以我们平时都不敢轻易下水,也许有人害怕了,以后不敢吃了,这里还有一层原因,鲤鱼春季的肚子都很大,交配期的鲤鱼吃一条,相当于成千上万条小鱼

But in the summer and autumn, delicious carp can eat
但只要过了春季,美味的鲤鱼可以食用,黄河的鲤鱼有土腥味,不如清水鲤鱼好吃! 鲤鱼的繁殖很快,所以不用担心你会吃光它们


It's very beautiful pictures!!
I like your job!! Exchellent :)

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That is interesting to hear from people that are used to eating carp. Most people here in the US do not think carp is good to eat -- at all. But I have caught, cooked, and eaten it many times. I have never thought to avoid carp in one season or another, though. Here, the big difference is the water quality that the carp lives in. Cool, clear water is best -- warm, dirty water with low oxygen is not so good. What is your favorite way to eat carp?

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