
Enjoyed how this got turned into a musical. LOL. An unexpected turn.

Research for a new adventure was pretty much all I've had on my brain.

Thanks for stopping by. 8-)

may the Tortillas never die. nice twist

Never, ever.

Thanks for stopping by. 8-)

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Man. I didn't feel that coming.
Bwahaha.. was it Mendoza or Tres Culos?
What a crazy pet that of @scrawly, not exactly what you like to cuddle in front of a fireplace sipping a hot chocolate. I've to say that the caretaker was an interesting character and I'm amazed by your imagination. Cheers!

Oh good. I did my job without trying to do my job!

I think that would have to be the lead guitarist, Machete, because of the making up of songs idea. However, he doesn't sing, which could be the reason for his getting ousted by the demiurge.

I was glad I found that monster. It added to the scene. Believe it or not, I so very struggled with this piece. I think I have with all the demiurges pieces it has yet to inspire my imagination to the extent it pours out onto the paper. Such is the writer's life, eh?

I did my best in this piece to mimic some of the imagery I like so much I find in your work and others. It baffle me how people can write that way. I've not done it consciously so it throws me for a loop with I need to create/invent some passages.

I did find the answer to my unvocalized question I was attempting to ask in other threads. More description is a thing I need to practice. It's so weird when I attempt to use it. Not real sure how it works yet. Telling vs. Showing ... wow.

The 39th Edition stands ready for another journey through dreams and imagination. You've until next Wednesday to weave your tale. Will you share your story with us once again?

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