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RE: Let's make a deal [my entry to Finish the Story Contest - Week #43!]

So basically, we have a long-overdrawn version of "fuck you, die already" but executed perfectly (of course with some need of grammar changes as @f3nix suggested). Anyways, this is a good story of playing Phoenix Wright (anybody knows the Phoenix Wright games here????) but just that there's no court and the win conditions is that your opponent dies... sorry this was my equivalent of le may-may time here; it still holds true as the imperfect analogy it is.

La filosofía: Anyways, the important substance is the act of duping a person's senses long enough to execute them. It's very much possible (and the story leaves this wide open) that Kal's a criminal and she doesn't give a shit that to feel bad about it. However, playing as basically a half-hypocrite, she then uses her position to light up what much of a shittier bastard the Colonel is in retrospect of talking about her crimes. And if any legal system cares to arrest people doing wrong, it ultimately has failed to do so and there's more than "common sense," life and morality. In fact, the bringing up of economy highlights this very ardent issue of the Colonel's hypocrisy and how his relationship to the Empire is still economically formulated and reinforced. But of course leaving that for things that the Empire's economy depends upon (like its culture and ideology) we can clearly see the ruling ideology and culture as the Colonel speaks, even if he is mediated through military sub-culture and more align to the conservatism of the Empire. All-in-all, the arrow to the neck, the obscenity, marks of not only a literal discussion but also the evidence needed to overthrow the Empire; for which the Empire's state of shock is highlighted with the boat leaving... Now have a Red-Death Spooky.

Red Death Spooky.gif

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