Finish The Story Contest - WEEK #26 My Entry Horror Vacui

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. I am back again to give this a shot. I want to give a thank you to @bananafish and @f3nix for the world they do on this contest. Also thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this. I tried to go a different way with this one so hope this is fun.

First the start.

Horror Vacui

by @f3nix

The moonlight descended on the east side of the Wagner Tower like an ancestral bone dust. The ectoplasm of a vague awareness crossed a tenant’s mind seeking for oblivion: finally, the dull blows coming from God knows what remote corner of the old building had decided to quit and he would have slept. However, between the seventy-fifth and seventy-fourth floor, a particularly fine ear could have still seized an intermittent, stifled counterpoint of voices.

"I feel that this unusual condition is helping us bring out some interesting perspectives, Mendo." In breaking the silence, the psychotherapist's voice had soon lost its initial momentum.


"I want you to know that this time won’t be billed, go ahead if you feel like it." She tried to assume a playful expression. Hidden underneath her short suit jacket, Dr. Wallace's fingers were nervously playing with a fluorescent orange rubber bracelet.

"No-one is ever suspended, not even now with seventy-four floors of nothing underfoot..."

"Well, this is certainly a positive observation..."

"Shut up, you don’t know a shit." An almost calm remark, pronounced with a firmness that hit Dr. Wallace like a bucket of frozen water.

"Have you ever thought, doctor," Mendo continued, sharply spelling out his last word, "that the fear of emptiness, the horror vacui as they defined it in the Middle Ages, is nothing but the unconscious and desperate attempt to look away from the ultimate truth?"

Since the elevator had blocked its descent, the patient had confined himself to a corner on the opposite side of the entrance. His left leg was now dancing grotesquely, animated like it had a life of its own and in contrast with the cadaveric stiffness of his other body parts.

"I never thought of that." Dr. Wallace wisely responded in brief, observing for the umpteenth time the assistance number carved on the elevator control panel.

"Mmmm...” A growing moan on the other side of the narrow cabin.

The doctor instinctively thought of her daughter that night, when the wind had hit the fixtures of the old house in the mountains so intensely that it produced an endless banshee howl. The little girl had made a sound of compressed horror, just like that.

If only she had known, she would have never asked Mr. Anatoliy “Mendoza” Volkov, an extraordinarily subtle personality, to follow her downstairs after that emergency therapy session in her office. On the other hand, he was one of her first and most challenging patients. Furthermore, he used to pay awesomely.

"Because the void swarms." Now his eyes were on the doctor, sunken out and bugging out at the same time.

"Soon they'll free us, do you think you'll keep writing that song you were talking about?" Dr. Wallace ventured. She realized that the silk shirt was soaking with her acrid sweat.

"It's the Yellow King's dominion, he comes from the void, it's him who made me do those things. I did not want to." His whine ripped open in a sinister vocal of terror.

"Mendo .." She did not know what to add. Now the doctor's hand, behind her sweating back, was pressing the assistance button convulsively.

His wide open eyes. They had stopped staring at her and now they were pointing up, right behind her shoulders.

"Mendo, what's up?"

"The Yellow King. He's here."

Now for my ending hope you like it.

Dr. Wallace glanced up not expecting to see anything. Suddenly she stumbled away from the wall of the elevator as a yellow face appeared in her vision. “He’s real” she gasped as Mendo pushed in front of her looking up at his king.

“Why do you return? I don’t want to…” Mendo’s voice faded away as the king started to speak his mouth didn’t move but Dr. Wallace could hear every word in her mind.

“Today I will need more, today I will need a sacrifice. You want the rewards you ask for, you must pay my price.”

Dr. Wallace started to fumble around in her pockets for the syringe she carried. Once she found it she pulled it out and stepped up behind Mendo who seemed to be trying to resist the King. With one motion she stab it into his neck and pumped him full of sedatives. She was amazed as fear at left her body and she was now filled with intrigue. All those years of working with troubled men had lead part of her to believe in these evil beings and she had begun to like them. As Mendo fell to the floor all the people who had looked down on her filled her mind and anger started to boil in her. She was right they were real.

The king looked at this woman standing above the man he had come to command. He was ready to lash out when he saw that flame inside her the one he loved to stoke till it burned bright. She had a dark side and he was going to enjoy this. “Rewards can be yours, for those that prove they are worth I grant gifts. I still require a sacrifice.”

Dr. Wallace looked down at Mundo this pitiful man with his broken mind couldn't handle this but she could. She filled the syringe up with air and careful put it back into the vain in Mundos neck and pumped a air bubble into his vain. She stood and look up at the king who looked passed her watching that air bubble flow towards Mundo’s heart. As he started to gasp and twitch he could see his life fade. The King smiled and started to speak.

“What reward would you have? For you have given me what I needed tonight.”

“I want to be able to put thoughts into people’s minds like you do. To be able to gain control over them. I will make them worship me” Dr Wallace waited for an answer.

“For this power we will need to be in contact often and you have seen that I need my wish fullied? Dr. Wallace nodded so he continue. “Then I give you this gift and will return soon for my next request.”

With that an energy fill Dr. Wallace’s mind and she grabbed her head as so many things became so clear to her at once. The doors opened behind her and two guards came in. She could hear those thoughts before the spoke. “He attacked me she said” They nodded as she walked away. “Clean this up boys I will be back tomorrow.”


Excellent job. I really like these finish the story contests. I see some good results, and yours is among them.

Thank you I know you are a good writer so feels good that you liked it.

Thank you I know you
Are a good writer so feels
Good that you liked it.

                 - stever82

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Ha ha the haiku bot got you!

Thanks, man. I know good stuff when I see it.

Captivated story.
Thank you for sharing this story.

Thank you for reading it glad you liked it

Nice reversal of roles! The psych is crazier than the patient!

The idea is very interesting! Appearently, everyone has a dark side exposed to the temptations of the Yellow King.

Ya I felt like that it was clear the crazy one would attack so I didn't go that way

That's the right attitude man!

The doctor will find out that she got more than she bargained for in the end.

You see, although she could control other people, she was ultimately under the control of the King...

Namaste, JaiChai

Ya I think you are right I would end it that way but suppose to be short story but if a few people ask I could do another post with what I see happening next.

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great i like it

This is really, really dark. We fear our doctors sometimes, don't we? They have such power over us. Here that unexpressed apprehension is given life. An interesting ending, @stever82.

Thank you felt like the right story to go dark on. Yes doctors have a lot of trust and more than once we have heard about ones that abuse that trust.

Creepy and a nice twist at the end with the gift of an evil power. I like the gruesome execution also. A solid horror-ific story ;-)

Thanks I was going for a darker story this week and they gave me a good opening.

Yup to put herself in that place alone I knew she had to have a trick in her up her sleeve

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