
in #finishthestory5 years ago



Benjamin Leitner, son of General Reinold Leitner, grandson of Count Dietrich Leitner, stepped from the stagecoach and lit his pipe. The night was cold, the sky a vast black emptiness. The moon, if it had shown itself at all that night, was gone, and nothing but the light cast by Benjamin’s lantern offered solace from the creeping dark.

He’d reached the graveyard, home of his family tomb and its historic dynasty. It was a forbidden place, the site of his late mother’s suicide, where Leitners were entombed stretching back centuries. He hated this place, more than anywhere else on earth. But he’d come, alone as ordered to. He’d come, as he had no other option but to do so. And he’d brought the gold.

The letter was written in her typical style. Loquacious, expounding on the nature of their relationship, apologizing for her affairs, thanking him for standing by her throughout it, remaining at her side despite all the controversy of the town. Despite even her own parents telling him to abandon her as a lost cause.

She’d not only dragged herself down into the mud. But him as well. Benjamin the financier, of Wolfstone and Kauffman, now the cuckold of all of Austria. But worst of all, she’d tarnished the name of Leitner.

And when the accusation came, of witchcraft and devilry, of black magic and the most bestial of sacrilege, of whoring in the night endowed with opiates unto madness. Well, it was no wonder when Kauffman wanted out.

And still he stood by her.

Should he have been surprised when the letter came, demanding the last of his finances or else she’d accuse him in the papers of having masterminded it all? Of being an original scholar of the black arts?
That would render the Leitner name into devilry.

No. He couldn’t allow that.

Benjamin finished his pipe, the tobacco charred and ashen. He cast the ash into the wind then slipped the cherry wood pipe into his coat pocket, beside the letter crested with her seal.

Melinda. Oh, you wench.

I’ll be in the crypts, waiting.

He suspected she wasn’t alone. Benjamin suspected the whole carnal tribe to be down there, waiting for her.

Well, so much the better. Let them all wait for his arrival. Let them all see the truth, the forbidden history denied to the world. Stretching back into the foundation of the soil. Let them know who it was that the Leitner’s may be.

He stepped across the grass, peering at the graves of his forbears till he reached the central crypt. The iron gate was ajar and the darkness seemingly impenetrable. They were down there, waiting for him.

“Melinda,” Benjamin said to himself. “It could have been different. So different. But you threatened my name. For that, I cannot forgive you.”

He entered the crypts.

“Time to meet the family,” he thought to himself, almost with a laugh...

From her perfectly hidden perch, Melinda watched, and waited. She had given her all for this moment, she had suffered, and sacrificed more than she had initially expected.

But she hadn't much longer to wait now. Benjamin had arrived, and he had brought the gold. That was enough to tell her that he was ready. Finally.

It had been a long thirty-six years since her mother had died. Since she'd decided the Leitner's had to pay. They'd taken her life, almost literally. And she'd let them. But her mother's was more than sacrilege. It had decided her.

It had been difficult at first, having to reintegrate herself into town, finding a suitable family. But when she had settled that the rest was relatively easier two way decisions; sacrifice or give up. And she had chosen sacrifice, over and over again.

But it hadn't been all smooth sailing. At a point she had almost given up. Benjamin had turned out to be much more thick-skinned than she'd envisaged. He had taken every bit of insult with no more than a shrug. The world seemed dead to him, almost the same as it was dead to her.

They were both kindred spirits after all. And soon she had begun to genuinely admire his strength of will. But Melinda knew him, just like she knew herself. So she had played her trump card. She had threatened the Leitner name..

And Benjamin had fallen for it, just as she'd expected.

And now she watched him approach in the darkness, his lamp a disturbing addition to the thick presence of the darkness. And as she watched, she saw him see her, and he stopped, confused.

Then Melinda Leitner, discarded daughter of General Reinold Leitner, granddaughter of Count Dietrich Leitner, stepped away from the darkness, and into the full light of the lamp.

The night was cold, but she exuded a strange and more obvious sort of coldness. One that came from years and years of the practice of that art that was the unique to the hidden history of the Leitners.. the art of black magic and devilry.

Melinda smiled...

"Time to reintroduce myself to the family." She hissed.

Benjamin dropped the lamp. It toppled over, but somehow, the fire in the crypto didn't die out...



Written for @bananafish's Finish The Story Contest

This one was a hurried write. Too many ideas came to mind from the opening, and I guess that left me indecisive. Eventually, I settled for one. Hope it had your curiosities raised...



This post has been manually selected, curated and upvoted by CI mod staff team. Supporting all posts that are in high quality and don’t get enough recognition.

This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was voted: 100%

There is such a depth of thought and consideration in this ending. A sister, not a wife, is a really great touch, and the way you mirror the first half in the second, is just brilliant.

You manage to change the first half, in a way that reflects personal perspective, and how twisted and two sided family grudges can be.

and the ending, oh my word, it is just so well paced, and hits at just the right moment. The implication that Benjamin was chosen to inherit something that actually Melinda embodied. The idea of this family, the skills of the dark arts, and those who marry into it, i really appreciate the way you use the mothers suicide and give it a bigger role in the story, and the pay back of Melinda, suggesting hints of what had happened to her mother being paid back to the man who continued his fathers legacy. And it works so well, even the idea of Benjamin as a cuckold, suggesting part of the affront to her mother that she engineered to be paid back (also appreciate the possible lesbian hint here, did she make him cuckold herself)

The ending takes a new tone, instead of murder, and personal gain/grudges, it becomes something bigger, the spark of the family's power clearly having passed to Melinda, claiming it, the fire burning on in her. Just, wow, as always a pleasure, but also a fantastic job of tying up so many of the points in the first half, in a brilliantly unexpected way.

~ Calluna

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loved the perspective of Melinda.

loved the hidden history of her.

the flames didn't die...what dark magic is this!?!?

Then Melinda Leitner, discarded daughter of General Reinold Leitner, granddaughter of Count Dietrich Leitner, stepped away from the darkness, and into the full light of the lamp.

this made me gasp.

oh, shit! secret sibling (incest?!?) history coming to fruition!!

Okay, who in the peck stole my notes? First @calluna basically kicks me and beats me to the punch a long time ago when philosophizing this. God dangit Danger Cally, gonna freaking buy you a box of chocolates so you don’t take my notes again and then improve upon them to make that awesome comment!!!!~ D^:< Then @dirge manages to sneak in and post a joke before I could. I bet Melinda’s behind this and is after me after Grimm placed her God knows where and didn’t think of keeping a Grimmkin to watch over her.

So let’s list off how they basically beated me to the punch and did my points way better c:

@calluna / @bananafish obviously remarked on every story having two sides, the hinting of the histories of the two, making familial instead of couple, possible lesbian point (<3) and the power grab of her. Now that I revealed this, she played perfectly to my trap card: I shall basically one up her like an imp~ c: - On the two stories aspect, philosophically at least, relates to a duo-chromatic dialectical struggle between the two. Where reading upon their lines, where they stick out in both agreement and disagreement, how their biases (justified and unjustified) affected them and then producing the scene of contact we can be more informed and see how deep this struggle gets. More particularly intensified as we reach into the contingent (necessity as its dialectical double) factior of her being a family member. Making more awkward and intense the entire situation had gotten. Coupled with her possible lesbian affinities and her practicing black magic (hey, entire World, can we figure out how Non-cishet women basically always got attached into dark arts, not a complaint but wondering), it just makes it easier for her to get at what she wants without remorse nor any struggle against her lowecase s stoic brother Leitner. Which I am glad she one the first few moments of this exxhange between the two, despite it being an interlude to the serious confrontation.

@dirge probably took best at expressing shock of them being familial, so I can’t play off the incest joke. Here I weirdly don’t have a follow up other than saying “welcome to the Feudal-Mercantile” World where the Taboo was still alive despite it being a long and protracted process... now since I dragged it long enough, lemme pull the carpet to talk about the hyprocrisy of enforced moralities. See with the Taboo being our only one we can site, the ruling classes basically cannot stand to see their own reflection from people lower than them, and so they enforce a rule against such. To make themselves as unique as possible while acting like the pure-beans they are. Before than breaking the law they were just enforcing and without a shame, going so far as to say that their class position justifies their actions. The Taboo, cuckoldry and/or incest is clearly perserved despite them wanting to “end” it. And it gets even more reinforced with factionalism amongst the ruling classes and not wanting to marry a family of a differing line. Thus making it easier to do such when the number of potential mates run out - despite them enforcing a rule for the working classes to not even dare think of the Taboo. And while some do get caught, exposed and live in shame, most get out of the hole rather quickly and the rest kept in their as examples for the hole of society.

Now what could I bring unto the table: well the form of any given action. Really? Really. See, with this two sided approach, we can see at least two forms of the same content here: the outlook over the practice of black magic. To Benjamin, who remains ignorant of his familial past while trying to live up to societal norms, it’s easy to see how he shrieks in cowardice. But to Melissa (which knock, knock I like to ask that q from earlier here agaib but for the totality of women here), she seen past the cloak enforced by the ruling classes and reproduced amongst the masses. To her, just another means to get at what she desires, the driving vehicle which managed to carry her forth her for the long stretch of time which she can’t guarantee herself she’ll find joy if she suceeds in it. Coupled with the fact of her manners after the disillusionment with the Leitners (and the rest of the Feudal-Mercantile aristocracy) which suggests she went beyond the limits of Partriarchal Heteronormativity (which maybe easier to say then saying she’s lesbian), no wonder she can’t give a crap of a long, abadoned art. Yet everything perfectly encapsulated (and affirmed actually happening) by the time of the lantern dropping, while also hinting at the defeat of Benjamin Leitner in the power seize by Melinda Leitner.


Damm i love and hate your ending, I like how you make Melinda's perspective known and how we find out that she's really benjamin's sister, I hate that everything is in suspense, but I understand that there is a limit of words.

The End?

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