Finish The Story Contest - WEEK #28 : Death in Silence

We have another awesome week for #finishthestory and @theironfelix penned the first half full of revolutionary pride!

I had to do some research and some Google translate as me no habla Espanyol! Well I tried! Although the Filipino language is about 1/3 influenced with the Spanish language so I had to double check if it had the same meaning.

I remember my childhood when visiting my Father's side of the family as they spoke Spanish. All I remember are the cursed words.

Anyway this is the first part of the story!

Revenge of Yayo Che
by @theironfelix

In the dawn of the Peruvian Jungle landscape, a Sendero Luminoso member spotted five OH-6 Cayuse helicopters but waived the anti-aircraft to not launch their load – the soldier radioed in that they finally came and to approach the compound. In these five helis, paratroopers were carrying Russian AK74s and were armoured up. In the leading one, a certain lass finishes her cigar, then picks up the radio and begins to drum up a blood frenzy:

"In Cuba, the Cubans celebrate a hero - name’s Che. In the World of drugs, we got our own Che – he of course went by many names like el Rey de Yayo, but we know him as Yayo Che. A heart in a heartless world, a spirit in spirit conditions and a sigh of us oppressed folk. Yet the World couldn’t stand this – so the World robbed us of him! Killed anyone that followed him! And humbled our pride!... But from the mud we rechristened our humbled pride, determined to show them gusanos what the dirt tastes and show them who the real cockroaches are! For if you mess with us, you’re messing with the BEST! And today marks… El Día de Juicio!”

As she released her radio, she heard from the radio static chants of “!Yayo Che!” and “!El Día de Juicio!” She saw from the dashboard that they were closing in to the compound, the place of theculo that ordered the hit – the Cuban Government intel was correct and she owned them a solid. Funny that they supported her endeavors, but she stopped laughing internally when she realized that political maneuvers and combatting La CIA influence was priority when it came to these matters. Considering this mission as her main payment to the Cubans, she snapped her mag into the AK74 and racked it.

Approaching closer, the pilot asked when to start popping the missiles and rain the lead thunder – her only reply being was “on my signal.” The pilot saluted and began to steer the OH-6 Cayuse into combat formation, resulting in the other helis following suit – she radioed in to the pilots to prepare for contact with anti-air craft and to rain hell, then she ordered to hang and kick the assassin’s corpse out. Moments later seeing her command followed, the pilot asked one last question before they got danger-close:

“¿Estás listo, Yayo Che?”

“¡Sí! Let the lead thunder start hammering the World! Let ‘em know El Día de Juicio!”

Soon she and her paratroopers parachuted and began their descent into the Jungle, there was no coming back and now they had to put all their hearts into it. She briefed all of them a million times on what was to be expected, the ins and outs of the compound and aid from el Sendero Luminoso – they were all going to move as one Arm, one Heart and one Spirit, for they had nothing to lose and everything to gain. El Día de Juicio truly began.

Here is my part of the story!


The helicopters providing covering fire with their missiles and Gatling guns made for a diversionary tactic that would push their success rate higher. It would be taking out bunkers and machine gun nests that would mow down their forces before they even had a chance.

The revolutionary army would be hitting them from the west as the sunset. Night time skirmishes were tricky but the plan was to keep them occupied as her handpicked revolutionaries would infiltrate the compound from the south under cover of darkness.

They thought of themselves safe in their walled compound armed with their Type 56 assault rifles from China and backed by extremist Russians who wanted a piece of the gold that flows out of our land, Peru.

"These puta senderistas think so highly of themselves, that their way is the only way!" she mutters as she spits on the ground.

She recalls that fateful Sunday as they were going out of the church. Yayo Che was beaming as he looked at his beautiful bride. He was responsible for bringing together the different groups and the government into discussing peace and so they decided to start a family.

It was a target too tempting to pass as militant leaders and government heads attended their wedding. A car bomb exploded right before them, signaling the start of the attack of the Sendero Luminoso. She saw her family and friends gunned down right before her eyes. She felt Che cover her from the shrapnel and his blood flowed from his back. She watched as his eyes became dim and breathe his last, whispering her name. She could only howl as the sirens wailed in the background.

They celebrated the rebirth of their movement with fire and blood. Drunk on their success, they launch a wave of terror as they bombed police and government institutions. They destroyed gas pipelines who they accused of being an arm of Capitalism. They operated with impunity.

El Presidente Gonzalos declared himself head of the Revolutionary government of the Shining Path. She trained, planned and amass all information she could get. She sought out other victims.

She waited.

Today it marked the end, El Día de Juicio, as her team entered the compound silently. A quick knife slash to the throat of unsuspecting guards. Garrote styled killing to others. Death moves in silence as they would be known from that day as the Silent Sisters.

They made their way to the war room, where El Presidente and his midnight cabinet were all hunched over the monitors watching the war in their gates as the revolutionary army held their attention.

She unpinned two flashbangs and threw it in the room, blinding everyone. They rushed inside and took aim for each man inside. A headshot from their AK's fitted with suppresors until El Presidente was the only man left standing.

Dazed and confused, his vision finally returning he surveyed the room full of dead men, his men. He then saw the black-clad, armored fighters before him. Then he saw her as she removed her facemask.

"It cannot be! You are supposed to be dead!" he exclaimed.

"I was but my thirst for vengeance would not let me die!" she shouted back at him. "You took everything from me! You took my Che!"

How long she envisioned this scene in her mind. How long she wanted to see him in terror, begging for his life. How she wanted to savor this moment.

"On your knees gusano!" she said with clenched teeth as she shot his legs. She saw him wet his pants and start to cry.

"Please spare my life." he said " All my men are dead, we are no more. Let me live a life of peace."

"Peace! You speak of peace when you ordered people to be killed!. You reap what you sow!" and she proceeded to empty her handgun until all she could hear was the click, click indicating an empty chamber.

She reached for a pistol, on her side. Well worn and battered. One that was carried by Yayo Che before he became a man of peace. She cocked the pistol and shot six bullets into the head of Former El Presidente Gonzalos.

She held back the tears and issued the command "Burn it all!"

Months later she boarded off a plane. Around her were men sporting Ak 47's and wearing battered uniforms but with fresh insignia. A military take over had just taken place in this war-torn country. The people were crying to be saved and the Silent Sisters quietly accepted.


I hope that you enjoyed my story of revenge. Partly influenced by Kill Bill as I envisioned our unnamed Silent Sister as the Bride out to get revenge on El Presidente.

The Sendero Luminoso was the Communist Party of Peru in the early 80's and I used some of the characters with some changes.

If you are interested to join and be a follower of the Bananafish god of fiction then join us Finish The Story Contest - WEEK #28

I hope to be able to read some of the works of my fellow worshippers this week!


Makes me real sad. What you have accomplished is the back story and how she became such a killer. That lowered a little bit to dislike her to the fullest. But still too much killing. I suppose the beginning of the story has a real strong case this time.

Very well told and thanks for the background information that also was interesting to read.

Ahahha sorry I was thinking of war and its violence and given that one of my inspirations was a Tarantino character it was difficult to downplay the violence.

The only problem I realistically have with this story is that Gonzales would’ve fought to the death or be forced into prison. Otherwise, the Cubans are going to be really mad and I guess she gave that solid, a solid middle finger.

I had a different ending where Gonzales and the unnamed Silent Sister had an epic gun fight but it was too long and thought it would seem too much like a boss fight from a video game so I chose this one although I knew some might not like the seemingly cowardly way he died insdtead of going guns blazing to hell.

I put the emphasis on her and maybe a sequel of another dead dictator.

This is a story dense of action with an accurate background and full of details, making it realistic and engaging. The plot is linear and based on Yayo's revenge but also Kill Bill's one was straight and yet it's one of my favourite Tarantino's movies!

Ahahaha good to know it was one of your favorite movies and it also lands a high place in my list because of the action sequences and a female lead that kicked ass and swung a sword!

Well done! I remember when this was current events, not history. You capture very well the web of alliances and betrayal that were confusing to outsiders at the time. Also, the violence, which seemed pointless (still does). This is an action-packed, believable scene that follows logically from @theironfelix's beginning. You didn't need to know Spanish to do a good job :)

Thank you so much Agmoore! It was fun fleshing out the reason for her revenge and although I had a basic outline there was a few changes when I read some of the history of the Shining Path and their MO in their attacks against government and civilians.

Violence is pointless and when one uses it instead of discussion how different are we from animals

Cool story! I enjoyed reading about her history and motive, and the final confrontation was satisfying. And I dig that it ends with her gearing up to kick even more ass. :)

Thank you so much o greath Cthulhu! I am happy that enjoyed the story!

Nice story! Kill Bill is one of my favorite films too.

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