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RE: Finish The Story Contest - WEEK #30! - The source

Hmmm. You kind of got really deep there, I rather enjoy the cyclical nature of the cosmos. It's all on the wheel as it were, lol, I think I've read too much of the wheel of time series... Infinity, never ending, always beginning, requiring a balance of good and evil, not really good and evil, because that would depend on your perception. Maybe opposing forces would be a better term. Much like everything in the cosmos one force holding it together, while another force trys to pull it apart. There must be balance for anything to exist...


That's true, I got deep. From this ontological perspective, you are right, it's just a thing of balancing the opposing forces. Guess, there is not a thing in the universe which exists just so. Taking in time scales one cannot distinguish between bad and good as it's always having consequences when forces meet. Whereas one is presently really bad for the one form of existing entities it might be good for other existing entities. The human perspective transferred into godlike creatures gives it the emotional aspect.

Thanks for taking it into your form of reading and commenting here. Congrats to the curie vote:)

Thank you.
Tis my personal tendancy to break things down to the small parts, to the most basic concept.

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