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RE: The missunderstanding

in #finishthestory5 years ago

Oh this is such a wonderful ending, you focus on the people, and just take this in such an unpredictable way, playing expectations and assumptions both as a feign for the reader - suggesting the old man is a catfish, and in how characters jump to conclusions. In fact, the more I think about this ending, the more it feels like a story about assumptions.

You make Matts implied assumptions about the old man in the first half the starting point, and immediately contrast that with Johns correct assumptions about Matt waiting for a girl. You play a lot with human nature, Matt instinctively trusting the old man to comply with social convention (as Matt was forced to in the first half) and he dashes off to the bathroom, leaving John to alert his date, if she arrives in his absence.

It's when Sarah walks in that it really amps up, John taken by surprise (another hint at how people assume things about each other based on limited information) splutters, Sarah mistakes it for chocking, and based on her assumption, attempts to save his life. You got me thinking about how even the best of intentions, when based on an incorrect assumption, can do more harm than good.

Then poor John, he just doesn't get the words out, and blurts out "i'm Matt" instead, and then the instant reaction, and the judgement of those in the cafe turned against him for a single mis-spoken moment - very powerful.

You do an amazingly job of taking an opening that could go many ways, and bring it into a well fitting story of how people see each other, and react to each other. I really appreciate how simple your story seems at first, but after a little reflection, speaks so much about consideration, and empathy. Everyone is this story puts on each other, exceptions and assumptions, and had anyone stopped a moment, and instead of projecting what they know (like her granny having nearly choked) take the time to understand whats really going on. A very powerful way to wrap this one up <3


Thank you dear for reading my story

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