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RE: Special Edition - Finish the Story and Mizu No Oto Haiku Contest Entry - @bananafish

in #finishthestory5 years ago

You combined the two contests into one fully enjoyable experience with style, Cyemela! The passage of time flowing with the changing river waters , the ghost and memory of his master's killer to finally his attainment of calm before returning home to his village put forth simply and elegantly.

Your tied in Mizu entry using an 'about the author blurb' was fun. Though my mind went in an opposite direction and I began giggling imagining a bunch of cats sitting outside someone's house with a towering pile of stuff as they meow in chorus to be let back in 😂.


Ha, ha, that's too funny. Jax and Smokey.Joe love to play "Ambush Zone" at the front door. Even in the winter when it's cold. Until finally the one outside rushes in only to be chased by the cat waiting inside.

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