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RE: The Road Home: Finish the Story Contest #44

in #finishthestory6 years ago

Got to come back to vote later--but I agree, the man behaves honorably, within the context of his culture. I am a feminist, but I understand that many people offend without meaning to. Gentle education and example is the best way forward in my opinion. I try never to take good intentions and turn them into insult just because there is a communication gap.
Thank you for your comments, @theironfelix.


Well context and conditions, conditions of his culture promote what behaviours he ought to follow (most usually to reproduce his class as both Patriach and member of the ruling class if where’s at has already developed class heirachies, but that’s the running assumption we take for granted when we look at works of art that clearly aren’t Capitalist nor wholly Partrachal and are still of the gens-n-tribe models). Of course, it was probably obvious to yah that I am a Marxist Feminist (because the two need and reinforce each other quite well) and less obviously do I have sympathies to Stoicism and want to understand how Psychoanalysis can be effectively used. To me, that method is fine in pre-Revolutionary times; but yah’ve to be careful of misogynysts and reactionaries for they will organize and try to do whatever it takes to flush yah out even when yer pacifistic. (Especially when the ruling classes have more to benefit supporting an undercurrent of Partriachy then they do to actually end Misogyny and all those systematic hatreds that stemmed off from Misogyny). But of course, with real-life, it certainly is easier to know when someone has just been told cultural myths and start their education to help make real change. Because they are those that simply don’t really get to benefit from the system at the end of the day. But there are some who cannot be educated from mysogyny (and racism and the intersections of such), for they are those that stand to benefit with continued oppression of womens, POC, non-comforming people that go beyond the eurocolonial gender systemme, disabled peoples and the intersections/overlap as-such. But I know yah know this already and I know how dangerous being a feminist is in general when yer trying to overcome Partriachy in an area, I only mean to say this: stay safe and protect yerself if yah must.

Thank you for your concern! My battles are mostly over, although if called to a fight I'm ready :)

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