Finish the Fiction Story Contest #11

These stories are really starting get more interesting by the week. I am totally excited to add my part of this story. Thank you @f3nix for starting these, and getting @carneasadafilm to start this one.


He drained the last of his waterskin and sank to his knees. What a crap place to die. Tuba City. Dirt and rocks and nothing but a cracked and empty highway half buried in sand. Maybe if he caught his breath he could make it to the mesa. But then what? Who was he kidding? He was done.

There was a distant whoop and he could just make them out. Perhaps five hundred yards. Maybe less. The Eggman and Tree, pace steady, drawn towards him like rats to steaming garbage.

His head drooped down. He had no juice left to fight. And then he saw it. He had to crawl until the dark form took shape. It was a footprint. A footprint sunk into solid rock. Bigger than his head. Three toes, huge claws, every detail visible, as if chiseled by a master. His whirling brain finally caught a gear and delivered. “Huh,” he said, “Raptor print”.

They were only a few hundred yards away now, skullblades catching the last of the sunlight. Time was going, going, gone.

Why here? A two hundred million year old echo pressed into stone, a sliver of time out of sequence, a crossing over point. This was the place. It was meant to be here. Him, Eggman and Tree, and the silent intruder from across a gulf of eons. Good Lord. Who organizes this shit? So many variables for them all to wind up here. Had to mean something, he just couldn’t figure what.

"This wouldn’t be so hard,” he mumbled to himself, “If you weren’t tripping balls”.

All of a sudden he could hear the whir of the blades being swung quickly, as if trying to chop something, or someone. He had hidden behind a mound of rocks, oddly placed near the footprint. He watched in horror and amusement as Eggman and Tree were swinging their skullblades at something that he couldn't even see.

There! A glint caught on something moving. He tried to focus his eyes, but could not see what was there. That was when he noticed the ground shake every time the blades were swung around.

"No fucking way! How the hell! No! No, no, no. Dinosaurs are extinct!" He started slapping himself to clear his head.
Again! Another glint. This time he saw the silhouette. Then both men were lying on the ground sliced to hell. He felt the ground shaking again and held his breath as it felt closer.
Then just as quickly, it vanished.
He got up and ran to the bodies. He grabbed the skullblades and their water. Out of the corner of his right eye, he saw that glint again. He ran back over to the rock pile and hid. Dirt went shooting off the ground as if being blown.

"Huh! Maybe I stumbled upon some damned dino burial grounds." After deeming it safe, he crawled over to thoroughly check the footprint. He also found what appeared to be an ancient egg.

"Now if I could only find my way out of this damned place. This discovery could solve all my financial problems."

I have no idea where it was taking me. I just typed what came out, so here it is, lol.
Thanks for stopping by to read.


Ha!!!! ohcrapherecomethedinos I want a T-shirt with some of your tags on it!

Nothing like a dinosaur appearing out of nowhere to sober one up! I wonder if, when he leaves, it'll follow him home, like a really big puppy...

Well, that may very well happen. How you may ask? I can make it happen. :) And yeah, a very big hungry puppy, lol.

I have no idea where it was taking me. I just typed what came out, so here it is, lol.

It did not come out bad at all, don't underestimate yourself @pixiehunter! :D

Thank you. :) I try not to, but it happens here and there. :)

Your tag is hilarious! 😂 And it's true, I should suggest the use of that tag of finishthefictionstory thanks for the idea! Well Pixie, I'm amazed that this came out directly from your pen .. I liked the fact that you kept a halo of mystery about the ass-slicing creature!

I was almost envisioning it too. I've heard of sacred Indian burial grounds, so that foot print gave me the idea of an ancient dino one. :) As for the tags, seems I come up with quite a few for people to use. Maybe I should make a post, just on various tags. :)

Oh, and I made a small advertising ad for your contest. :) Idea came from @whatisnew :)

Wowy! Thank you dear, where can I see it? you're a pillar for this project and a true source of fun ideas.. A small update just for you: I put in charge a very good graphic designer (instagram: steno_cancianstefano) and we'll have a bomb of banners, headers and so on.. I want to give a special banner to those that showed constant participation like you. I also have a @bananafish account and soon I plan to launch a voting trail with that..but.. first of all, fun and sustainable developments, slow and steady: my philosophi is to not go mental, not me and not my friends haha

Sweet, can't wait to see it all. :) Here is the link to what I did. :) Or, you could have clicked my blog, hahaha. :)

Week #12 is between us! Check it here and good luck, brave storyteller!

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