Finish the Fiction Story Contest - WEEK #12

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v3.png

A contest with a pot of 3 @steembasicincome shares + SBD payout, where everyone wins? You're in the right place!

Dear fictio-holics friends, week # 12 comes in the shape of an apparently tranquil mountain village!
Thanks again to @carneasadafilms for a script that will remain in the history of Steemit for having thrown a new light on velociraptors!

Weekly news!

  • As anticipated, this week's pot will be enhanced by @anixio's 1 SBD donation. Thank you for the boost, man!
  • NEW RULE: 1 of the 3 @steembasicincome shares.. will be rewarded by you! Just post a comment in which you nominate your favorite contribution and add a short explanation (obviously, you can't vote for yourself!).

Things that please the bananafish mighty god!

  • Sustaining, commenting and upvoting each other as a true group of friends and fiction lovers.
  • Respecting the 500 words limit.
  • Posting your own article.
  • helping our contest & workshop to grow by giving it some visibility.

And now.. let me introduce you today's story!


Meat Festival in St. Judas

"Mendo, d’you know where you can stick your fucking sense of adventure next time?" Tres-Culos, bassist of the Tortillas de Pelo, broke the silence suddenly in his usual volcanic style.
Mendoza, continued to observe a mummified bug, relic of past winters, stuck between the window and the cracked sheath of the old Chevy van. He was about to reply when a burp of Tres-Culos banished the words from his mouth, making the interior of the van rumble with an echo-like effect between the cardboard walls of the vehicle.
For a fraction of a second, Machete stopped the chord progression of his new-born piece - somewhat way too similar to Ramones' “Do not Want to Grow Up” - and he cast a sardonic look at Tres-Culos. At the wheel of the Chevy, Tío Billy was a monolith in a leather jacket and Tom Ford.
After all, TC was right, the journey through the glacier was a bad idea. The members of the punk-rock group had come out with their bowels well tangled and the alpine vegetation, more than relaxing them, made everyone feel like sugar cubes dipped in a glass of viscous absinthe.
At least, now the van was sailing calmly through the grassy sea of that mountain valley. Mendoza thought back to how they had ended up accepting that unusual engagement and how unlikely it was that the mayor of a small village, nestled in the middle of the Alps, could have paid them handsomely and in advance to perform at the "Meat Festival".
They had accepted without asking too many questions. Only God, or someone else in his place, knew how much they needed a healthy injection of money. He was tired of recycling picks from every piece of fairly stiff plastic.
Meanwhile, Tío had nailed the old Chevy in front of a crossroads, undecided on which way to get to the village of Saint Judas, their final destination.
From the dusty window, Mendoza's attention was captured by a roadside shrine. It contained a simple painting, representing a lady dressed in a blue tunic and with open arms. On closer inspection, the madonna showed an awkward bright red skin. "Almost skin stripped" he thought, increasingly immersed in the picture. The protruding black eyes of the figure were pointy and vivid blades, thus contrasting with the pale, expressionless faces of the faithful kneeling around her. Only the noise of the Chevy, starting to climb the mule-track, broke the hypnotic contemplation of that strange religious representation.
The vehicle was trudging for a good hour through an anaconda of endless hairpin turns. Machete was almost interrupting the arpeggio to complain about the roadmap’s delay when, finally, the village of St. Jude revealed itself to the band's eyes. A myriad of small houses proliferated under the geological anomaly called Butcher’s Hook, a mountain whose top was bizarrely bent over itself, casting a perennial shadow over the village.
"I will need a steady and uninterrupted supply of booze tonight" Tío Billy solemnly noted.


Join the fun! Here is how this contest works:

  1. You receive an unfinished fiction story or a script

  2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

  3. YOU WIN! 3 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best ending + SBD payout (+1) between all the participants who won't get one of the 3 shares

It's so simple and, most of all, we'll enjoy our fiction ideas!
Nothing is mandatory here, but voting and resteeming is highly appreciated!


What's next?

The result will be out on Monday 21st May, 11 pm avg., UTC +1 (i.e. California is UTC -8). Submission deadline: Monday 21st May, 8 pm, UTC +1. There will be time for everyone to develop the fiction idea.

If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! I'm grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to help us grow together!<\center>



Courtesy of the awesome @pixiehunter!

banner f3nix 3.png




With the haunting image of the red-skinned madonna staring deep into Mendoza's soul with her haunting black eyes he wondered if this was a bad omen. As his daydream was climaxing, they pulled in to the meat festival, if it were not for Tres-Culos' violent elbow nudge to hurry Mendoza out the Chevy he may have dazed into a deep sleep. Mendoza was the deep thinker of the group often opting for poems instead of nightly pints of ale with his bandmates.

"Where the fuck is the drinks bitches!?" Pronounced Tres-Culos as if the van was a mobile stage that garnered immediate attention where ever it magically landed, only no one was there but a small group of individuals with black hooded robes. These people did not seem impressed with this grand entrance made by these punk rockers. "Well, what the hell? He asked a fucking question I really need a drink!" Tío Billy vehemently seconded Tres-Culos demands.

Mendoza went back into the van after feeling embarrassed. Machete asked, "Can you please hand me my pipe and tobacco Mendo?" Mendoza complied. At that very moment a thunderous beat erupted from the hooded men in black robes as one had a large hand drum that was being played loudly and rhythmically, they had started chanting in perfect synchrony with each other the phrase "One of us, One of us". All the band members but Mendoza prepared for a fight that instance. They then decided as if they were communicating via esp to run towards these men. As they approached these men flaming arrows from all directions consumed the men. SLAM! Went the van doors. Mendoza jumped into the driver seat of the van and drove off.

"Thank god those dicks were bad about leaving the keys in the ignition!" Mendoza loudly shouted as he speed away leaving his bandmates to suffer the consequences of their poor choices.

Good one. That's where this story wants to go. LOL

Holy moly! Haha, we know the smart one of the group was. Go Mendoza!

It's nice to see you playin with us @dynamicgreentk! I definitely want to taste this with calm when home from work.. for now pixie's and cyemela's comments made me even more curious 🤔

At least one of them saved his life! I was thinking everybody would have got a bad ending

yes, I feel like making a hitlist of the several ways they've been killed for Monday XD

That's the way... you pictured Mendo as a cynical smart-ass, I loved it! I suggest you a final # 2 and tell me if you like it: this was Mendoza's plan from the beginning, a human sacrifice of the band's component.

Now I'm curious what would have happened if Mendoza's band mates had minded their P's & Q's. I bet that Mendoza will be teaching a few manners to the next band he joins. (1. Always arrive to dinner with your manners. 2. Don't be the first out of the van. 3. People in black,hooded robes means that you should just keep driving.) 😉

LOL bris 😁 good points

Hi @dynamicgreentk! Week #13 is out with a new Tortilla's adventure. See you there brave storyteller! (Great interview with SBI, by the way).

This way my participation, @f3nix. I hope it's to your liking.

Everyone got out of the car stretching their feet and getting their clothes fixed. At the entrance to the village a large banner in red and black letters welcomed the Festival of the Meat. Mendoza took out the phone and called the person who had contacted them. They've been waiting for you for hours. The festival was about to begin.
The four of them arrived at a room that at first seemed to them to be in very bad taste and even with a stale smell. Mendoza began to worry and told the others. What the hell are we getting at? TC said in Mendoza's ear. It was a solemn space, with a studied liturgy, with a baroque chapel whose enormous mirrors were embroidered in silver and gold, or at least of a material that looked like them. They were received by a corpulent, heavy, mustached woman, barely covered by an organza cloth. Mendoza remembered the image of the madonna with open arms and almost naked skin. Nothing could be further from that one, this woman.
Behind a large screen, many paralysts were waiting for them. They murmured to each other again. Uncle Billy complained the most. They would never have imagined playing their music in a room like that. What the fuck, we're already here," said Machete, grabbing the instruments to tune them. Immediately they brought them bottles of a red and sweet liquor but with an alcohol content of more than 50. Uncle Billy smiled and smiled like a naughty boy.
As the music began, people began to come in: half-naked men and women. Women with large and small breasts, with dark and pink nipples, with thick or carved crest, were looking for a seat while the men remained standing. The show had begun. To the rhythm of the music, the audience began to shed the few clothes, to touch and smell each other. The band members with their exorbitant eyes looked on in disbelief. The bodies began to be smeared with honeys, oils and butter, by vagabond and shameless hands. The rubbing work began to take effect: the smell of the already lubricated human juices began to spread throughout the room. The festival of the flesh had begun.
Already in the morning, everyone was in the old Chevy, accompanied by a stench of drink, sex and a strong pain in the lower abdomen, but with a smile on their face. Mendoza remembered the painting of the madonna in her blue robe and understood everything. The great Festival of the Flesh was hidden in the village of Saint Jude.

Not a bad way to close out a festival! 😉 I wonder if the band will try to line up a gig to play for them again next year...😁 It's fantastic that you took the story in a direction that delved into enjoying more that just the consumption of flesh.

Wow! @nancybriti you went dirty in this one! Not only you used the blasphemous icon hint in your story - a thing many others, like me, have forgotten - but you also made up a story about lush and sex, and not about vampires and killing like the most of us!
Therefore you showed great originality!

Thank you for your comment, @marco. Yours is excellent too. Abrazos muchos

Wow. Lusty interpretation, I would have never guessed the story to go into this direction.. I have to say that i'm impressed. Ahh, these small town in the mountains, what they can hide behind their ordinary life!

I hope you were impressed. Ti abbraccio sempre, @f3nix

I was, in fact you won the SBI. Posting now ;-)

Hi Nancy! Week #13 is out with a new Tortilla's adventure. See you there brave storyteller!

I beg you pardon, i went 1000 words instead of 500. I doubled the limit!
But as a justification, I can say that your beginning has unleashed in me too many ideas and I had the irrepressible urgency to write them all!

Reading your ending > Bwahahahahaha... ihhhhhhh (pause gasp)...hahaha... cthulhu ftaghn!

You totally kick ass in all yours. Now I'm off to read yours before heading to bed. Hope I get some sleep, lol.

Reading the comments and trying to guess what you created is a game in the game. I'm sure you embroidered a very cute bedtime story 😁

Thanks! Looking forward to reading yours @pixiehunter.

This story is so rich, the work of a seasoned writer. It would be hard to keep up with the quality.

Thank you guys. I had fun in writing it. Plus, it's one of those where I know the final.. Just go with the flow and don't worry. Looking forward for your contribution @sansoncarrasco!

In case you feel brave enough .. Week #13 is out!

Whew! couldn't keep it all under 500. sorry. It's a bit over. Prompt was too good!

I also had a hard time to keep it within the words' limit.. mine is exactely 500 words long but I've to say that I was sorry to cut some details. I wanted to create a Lovecraftian piece but I think that it's more "Army of Darkness" alike. Well, I had fun. You're a fine author for what I could read, your appreciation means a lot!

I'll vote for @antimetica's piece for the many 'nopes' and 'Lotus Eaters' feel of it

It's been a hard choice, but in the end the punk culture references in this story ending made the difference!
@f3nix please note that my vote goes to Dirge ;)

duly noted!

Shall we take with us an ash stick set too? :-D

this is a great setup. Let's get started

Hello my friends, I bet you thought "Anixio will be late again" but guess again :)
Here is my entry!
I read all others and the problem was that everyone wrote great story and i wanted to find something different, but just as Mario, I couldn't keep it around 500 words... Sorry for that, it's around 1000.
Hope you'll like it.
Best regards

Regarding the voting part, I give my vote to Mario's story!

Anixio in the house! Don't worry.. it's ok to ignore the 500 words advice of our beloved Bananafish and its.. deadly sicarios.

Quel titolo e quella storia mi ispirano, f3nix. Spero di non deluderti e di non essere all'altezza dei tuoi standard. Sto andando a correre e iniziare. Ti tengo stretto

Ma sicuramente non mi deludi Nancy! Non ti preoccupare, ognuno di noi ha sempre qualcosa di speciale nelle sue storie! :-)))

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