Pay Attention to JP Morgan Chase Financial, I don’t think they are bluffing.

in #financial6 years ago

Can anyone else feel it? Do you feel like something really big, maybe like never before is about to happen and turn this world upside down?

This week both President Trump and FEMA have spoken at length about being prepared for a disastrous situation that could not only affect America but, would also cause a domino effect throughout central banks all over the world. I realize September has always been disaster preparedness month but it seems the buzz about it this year is very much elevated.
One of the head bankers at JP Morgan said today they think a debt bubble is really ready to pop and it will cause civil unrest not seen in 50 years. It has also been wildly reported that JP Morgan has closed all their silver short positions on the COMEX, something they have never done since the collapse of Bear Sterns and the silver debts they inherited.

What do you think is about to happen....if anything. What are you doing with your money to give you the highest probability of protection? What are your plans with your family in case civil unrest happens in the streets while the just in time services can not deliver? This situation makes me very nervous because nothing got solved during the last crash and the debt has been piled on in record numbers. This will not end good.....


Now I'm wondering what kind of effect will this unrest have on cryptocurrency. May it be easy, and be given a way out.

One thing I have learned is to not listen to what financial institutions say but what they do.

Bix Weir (somebody I don't really follow) posted about this too. Silver and gold have me trained to be cynical but who knows. Dude, your comment on Rawdog's latest video had me rolling!

Lol...that guy is a total tool. He’s funny to watch but you can clearly see he is uneducated.

Thanks for the update.I always wait for your interesting posts.It is pleasure to following you.Waiting for the next one.

I've been waiting on something big to happen for about a year now. Since publicly (via the media) Trump is viewed as being a failure outside of everything but the economy, the powers that be want him to look as bad as possible. Of course, I put nothing past our government in terms of who is involved and for what reasoning. Honestly, I've been waiting for someone to take a shot at him; the guy might be the most hated person in the world at the moment because he's battling the liberal left head-on and choosing sides is not an option they can handle. Thankfully I live down here in Mayberry (lol) where the guns outweigh the leftist, if you know what I mean.

Everything could be Wonderful but Only if you hold Physical Silver in Hand.............

Why? So we can make silver bullets for the vampires.

Time to get back to Acapulco! ;)

I can’t wait to tell ya the truth.

Hey Old Bud! Long time since we chatted... But yes, I am on the exact same page as you, or maybe even a few ahead of this post.
I have been looking for this for 10 years now, ever since the '08 Debacle that wiped out 33% of my "401A" account. First thing I did was reallocate that (since rollovers are not allowed) and promptly got all my $$$ back. Good Move. THEN I went searching for GOLD and Silver investments. GOLD was "too high" for me at that time (I thought) so I concentrated on Silver. Funny thing, I am actually just a tiny bit underwater in my Silver Savings, if you believe the CRIMEX (comex for the newbs) but I don't buy the MANIP-MANOP bs.
As for "prepping", all the physical preps commenced right after the financials were hedged. Plus I have added a little Gold to the PMs portfolio since then.

This will not end good.....

Copy That, ready to roll! God Bless us all, and if people are not ready, get you some food, fuel, and possibly a 9mm handgun with a few hundred rounds of cheap ammo. Ya never know what may come...

AR-9 FLASH-can complete.png
AR9 Glock "Pistol" 10.5" barrel, optimized for 9mm NATO Rounds

PS: @broncnutz, I was looking for witness votes, and I saw that you have a "dead witness" in your lineup, which is otherwise FULL. But the dead vote is for @sircork and he now has a new witness, @noblewitness

Good looking out. I contacted every single voter during the changer over and reached over 600 voters who moved to the new witness team name off my personal name, but @broncnutz never replied. I appreciate you catching that and including the thought here, @underground. Thank you!

I'm sorry man. i am managing a lot in my personal and business life and still try to make quality videos for social media just about every day. It's hard to keep up with it all. I post on at least six platforms and many comments slip through the cracks .

Thank you! No apology needed, I do the same kind of time sinks. I read my comment and it sounded whiney and rude. My bad. I apologise for that. I spend so much time here on things like working with the other witnesses and devs during the outage today, that I didnt even realize my area has tornado warnings going on all day lol. Thanks for touching base!

@SirCork - @NobleWitness

change done.....welcome back man!

CrYpTo to the moon but will one be able to access it............ metals massive air ball under water finally released but will anyone want it over the essentials........... the dollar worthless..........stocks worthless.......skills and the only metal that will be priceless in this type situation "lead"........ Let's hope this isn't the course. As much as I don't like modern day slavery I still like the fact that there is some order within this chaos.

those financial institutions are fucked up you know believe me seniors here at steemit are so talented and experienced they are best predictators ... and yeah we dont know what will happen the next moment ... so as the cryptocurrency vtw i can feel the same something big is going to happen we dont know what but something big gonna happen for sure ... lets hope for Good and the best of the rest broncnutz

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