How You Can Help Adam Kokesh Win the Libertarian Nomination for President

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The Libertarian Party does not nominate its Presidential candidate by voting in primaries. The LP candidate is nominated at a convention by the delegates who show up to the convention. Which means there is only one way to make sure that Adam wins the nomination: you have to get involved with your State Libertarian Party in order to become a delegate to the National Convention. And then you have to physically go to the National Convention which will be held at the JW Marriott in Austin, TX over Memorial Day weekend in the year 2020.

This is a question I answer every single day on email, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, et. al. So here is the answer in the most plain language possible: If you do not become a delegate to the Libertarian Party National Convention in 2020, then you will not be able to help Adam win the nomination. Period.

No amount of social media support, or Steemit support, or canvassing your local area, or writing articles, or anything else you could possibly do will equal the amount of control over the situation that you will have as a delegate to the Libertarian Party National Convention in 2020. At that convention the delegates will vote for the Presidential nomination.

So, what does that process look like?

A) State Libertarian Parties elect their National delegates at their individual State Conventions. National delegates are chosen by each state party to represent them at the National Convention. National Delegates are the only people who have a vote for who wins the Presidential nomination for the Libertarian Party.

What does this mean? It means that it is highly, highly recommended that you get involved with your State Libertarian Party immediately. Become someone who is helpful, motivated, happy, and friendly and you will develop a reputation as someone who your State Party will be happy to have represent them as a National Delegate.

The people within your State Libertarian Party are the ones who will vote on you, personally, to represent them as a National Delegate. So you need the majority of the people in your State Libertarian Party to like you. You can do that.

B) National Delegates from all 50 states and the District of Columbia will meet at the JW Marriott in Austin, TX over Memorial Day weekend in 2020 for the Libertarian National Convention. It's a 4-5 day affair where you'll meet thousands of libertarians from all over the country, listen to great speakers, stay up way too late every night, and vote on all sorts of matters from the Party Platform and Bylaws to the party officers to the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. It's a great weekend and one that I look forward to every two years.

And that's it! That's the whole deal. But it does require some work. Mainly, you have to show up.

In previous years becoming a delegate required very little work. But that is not the case anymore. In 2018, the process has become competitive. So what does that mean?

A) There are only 1,051 total delegate seats to the National Libertarian Party Convention. In order to secure one of these seats you will have to defeat some other people who are angling for that delegate seat.

How do you do that? By getting involved with your State Libertarian Party immediately and developing a reputation as someone who is helpful, happy, motivated, and friendly. When it's time to pick National Delegates you want every advantage possible.

B) There are loopholes - besides just being voted in by your State Party - to becoming a National Delegate. But do not rely on these. The likelihood that you will succeed as a newcomer by swinging into the party at the last minute in order to take advantage of a loophole is becoming more and more rare.

However, if you do not manage to secure a delegate seat through the natural means - by winning the seat at your State Convention - then do not give up. We can help you to navigate some of the loopholes at that time. But, again, do not rely on loopholes. It takes far more work to take advantage of these than it does to just get involved with your State Libertarian Party the natural way.

If we want to #FinallyFreeAmerica by putting Adam Kokesh's platform of the peaceful, orderly dissolution of the US Federal Government on the ballot - something even Ron Paul was not able to accomplish - then winning the nomination is critical. In order to win the nomination we need you to become a delegate to the National Convention. Period.

You can do it.


On it, Ben. Thanks for the concise roadmap to success. In it for the long haul.

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Adam Kokesh Campaign Slogan:


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I agree with you @benfarmer
We all want to live peacefully.
We all want fair treatment.
We all want to be prosperous.
We all need freedom.
We all need love.
We all suffer under statism in the political thought of making the country as the center of all power.


invite to a cry of freedom.
Freefom .........freedom .......freedom
Supporting you as President of the United 2020.
That will bring the United in freedom.
Support I always accompany and I'll invite friends to support you @adamkokesh

I will continue to support you as you say


I'm ready 100% for freedom @adamkokesh
invite to a cry of freedom.
I am always motivated with Mr. @adamkokesh. each of my posts is kebebeaan, this is one of them
calling it an inspiration @adamkokesh
Thanks for this

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