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RE: Eli (horror film) : A few good jump scares but mostly kinda boring / annoying

in #films5 years ago

Supernatural "Boy in the Plastic Bubble".. Now that brought back some childhood memories. I remember that story about that kid when I was little who had the same thing going on. Well, sans supernatural, of course.

I don't know if I'm just jaded or bored, but I find that it's very hard to get scared in a movie anymore. Actually the movies that freak me out the most are psychological thrillers. I can't even watch them, really because I don't even find it very entertaining to be psychologically thrilled, or whatever you call it. I already have enough existential crises myself without the help of a movie!

I also share your dislike of child leads in films. Especially when every single line just sounds like they're saying it to get a sucker after the director yells cut. It really takes you out of the illusion. Not sure if my analogy makes sense! haha. I think I'll skip this one, thanks for the review


Yeah, i think i feel ya on the getting scared in a film is not easy. I mean, the jump scares get me, but we get the full combo of something appearing quick on the screen and the music attacking us as well. It's kind of hard to not be a bit freaked out by that. However, as far as finding the whole thing creepy the way Exorcist made me feel, it's been a while since a film had that effect on me.

It could be because I am substantially older than when i watched Exorcist though. :)

haha, the exorcist messed me up when I was a kid. Actually the first movie I remember that scared the crap out of me was Rosemary's Baby.. But weirdly, for different reasons than one might expect. I don't remember much about the movie, but I remember being really small when I saw it... There is a part where a bunch of people are sitting around yelling out praise Satan, but they are all wholesome looking like Christians.

It seems quite mild by today's standards, but I had never imagined devil worshippers being normal looking people. I guess it was sort of a life lesson on how things aren't always what they seem.

The Omen had a similar effect on me too. I went back not long ago to rewatch it and was like "this made you scared as a kid?"

I think that a big part of it was I was attending Catholic school as a child and was subjected to the fear of Satan on a regular basis. As i grew up...well, you know. I turned to the dark lord in my music and realized that he isn't really out to get me (j/k - just trying to say i am not a religious person.)

Sometimes I think we should leave these scary memories in the past for sure. I have intentionally not rewatched Children of the Corn for that reason.

DIdn't Rosemary's Baby win a bunch of awards? I'm not sure I have even ever seen that one.

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