Eli (horror film) : A few good jump scares but mostly kinda boring / annoying

in #films5 years ago

The search goes on for a newish horror film and to be fair to Eli i went into this movie halfway expecting to not like it since generally speaking I am not a fan of child actors, particularly not those in the lead.

The film is very vague in its description and I will do the same when writing about it here. As always, i have tried to steer clear of spoilers but there is always a chance that I might slip up. If you want to see this film "blind" it's probably better to just skip this write-up


Basically Eli is a story about a young boy who has an extremely rare disease that causes him to have severe allergic reactions to just about everything. He cannot be exposed to normal air or water and therefore must spend all of his days living inside of a bubble tent that completely isolates him from the outside world.

His parents have discovered a doctor that has success at curing his disease and the in the first 10 minutes of the film he is transported to the remote facility.

I had to wear one of these once, but it to protect me from something far more dangerous than regular air

Upon arriving at the rather spooky looking medical facilities and Eli starts seeing things that no one else can. This is where some of the very interesting cinematography and direction choices result in some pretty cool jump scares. Unfortunately, the rest of the story is pretty slow-moving, boring, and to be totally honest impractical, even for a supernatural horror film.

Without being too specific, the things that Eli discovers normally occur in a rather noisy fashion, yet no one comes to his aid even though he is obviously the center of attention at this facility. It has already been well established that the entire facility is closely monitored which makes this sort of very noisy stuff that no one notices a bit dumb. Also, when these things continually happen to Eli and still no one monitors the little dude, it just becomes really impractical.

I think the thing that annoyed me the most is that Eli (Charlie Shotwell) spends a great deal of the film shouting and it starts to grind at my nerves when any actor does this. Granted Shotwell is new to the game and I tend to not care for child actors anyway, but there isn't much of a story here except Eli doing a bunch of shouting for at least half of the film. It must have been exhausting filming that.

from the official Netflix channel

The film had an $11 million budget and that is easy to see because the effects that are in the movie are few and far between but are actually extremely well-done. However, since there isn't really much of a story here, there is an absolute ton of just.... junk... that takes place between the maybe half a dozen "fun parts" of the film (some of which i was actually scared to look at the screen.)

Overall, the slow pacing and obvious filler-to-make-this-short-story-90-minutes-long is the death of this movie, and I can't really recommend it aside from a few scenes and for most movie fans, this simply isn't enough.

My overall rating on a scale of "Urgh!" to "Wowsers"?



Once again something that could have been done in a thirty minute short and not a full ninety minute movie. I don't mind child actors that much, but I am not really a fan of child actors as the center of horror movies. I don't know if it makes it more creepy or what, but it just isn't something I enjoy. I think it is time for something new and ground breaking. Something to shake the genre up like the remakes of the scary Asian horror movies did with The Ring and The Grudge.

you know i was trying to think of something inventive that could be done and well, honestly, what hasn't been done in horror already? I think a lot of it has to do with music and artistic direction. Some of the creepiest horror films i have seen are Japanese or Korean and they have much much much smaller budgets than even this film.

Ghost movies are always a hit but then again, what hasn't been done with that? I'm at a loss and am probably hoping for an impossible miracle when i say i want something new and inventive :)

It will definitely be hard. I just remember how game changing the backwards motion effect was. The problem is, once someone does something ground breaking it then gets over done to death.

yeah, i think that last film that really blew my mind in the horror genre was Scream... just because they took everything that you know about horror films and then completely switched on you.

I loved how they marketed the film as though Drew Barrymore was the star of the thing and then killed her off in the first 3 minutes of the film... epic.

Cabin in the Woods was a bit of a game changer too.

Thanks for share reviews.

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Supernatural "Boy in the Plastic Bubble".. Now that brought back some childhood memories. I remember that story about that kid when I was little who had the same thing going on. Well, sans supernatural, of course.

I don't know if I'm just jaded or bored, but I find that it's very hard to get scared in a movie anymore. Actually the movies that freak me out the most are psychological thrillers. I can't even watch them, really because I don't even find it very entertaining to be psychologically thrilled, or whatever you call it. I already have enough existential crises myself without the help of a movie!

I also share your dislike of child leads in films. Especially when every single line just sounds like they're saying it to get a sucker after the director yells cut. It really takes you out of the illusion. Not sure if my analogy makes sense! haha. I think I'll skip this one, thanks for the review

Yeah, i think i feel ya on the getting scared in a film is not easy. I mean, the jump scares get me, but we get the full combo of something appearing quick on the screen and the music attacking us as well. It's kind of hard to not be a bit freaked out by that. However, as far as finding the whole thing creepy the way Exorcist made me feel, it's been a while since a film had that effect on me.

It could be because I am substantially older than when i watched Exorcist though. :)

haha, the exorcist messed me up when I was a kid. Actually the first movie I remember that scared the crap out of me was Rosemary's Baby.. But weirdly, for different reasons than one might expect. I don't remember much about the movie, but I remember being really small when I saw it... There is a part where a bunch of people are sitting around yelling out praise Satan, but they are all wholesome looking like Christians.

It seems quite mild by today's standards, but I had never imagined devil worshippers being normal looking people. I guess it was sort of a life lesson on how things aren't always what they seem.

The Omen had a similar effect on me too. I went back not long ago to rewatch it and was like "this made you scared as a kid?"

I think that a big part of it was I was attending Catholic school as a child and was subjected to the fear of Satan on a regular basis. As i grew up...well, you know. I turned to the dark lord in my music and realized that he isn't really out to get me (j/k - just trying to say i am not a religious person.)

Sometimes I think we should leave these scary memories in the past for sure. I have intentionally not rewatched Children of the Corn for that reason.

DIdn't Rosemary's Baby win a bunch of awards? I'm not sure I have even ever seen that one.

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