The Big Lebowski: One of my favorites

in #films6 years ago

This is another one of those films that I initially skipped and actually didn't see it until it had been around for nearly 10 years. I don't know how I managed to miss it upon release. I guess I was too busy graduating from college.


Jeffrey Lebowski, who is simply known as "the dude" among anyone who knows him is a man of simple tastes. He enjoys the middle-class finer things in like like bowling, classic rock, not working, and weed. He doesn't require a lot of friends and mainly doesn't look forward to doing anything except meeting up with his buddies Donnie and Walter at the lanes.


His life gets flipped upside down when a group of thugs stop by his house in order to reclaim money from him but they have "the dude" mistaken for another far more wealthy Jeffrey Lebowski. I don't want to spoil the film but basically "dude's" life becomes much more complicated and far more interesting than he wants it to be because of this case of mistaken identity.

I was surprised to find out that this was actually a box-office failure and received quite a few negative reviews back in the late 90's. However, it seems that time has improved the overall impression as most reviews it received later were all positive and is now considered a cult classic. If you haven't seen it you definitely should.

One of the most surprising things was the presence of John Goodman as a short-fused, foul mouthed, tough guy pal. You need to understand at the time that John Goodman was considered a wholesome family man due to his long-term involvement in family-friendly films and most notably his role as the father on "Roseanne."

Nearly everyone in the film gives a great performance, the only exceptions would possibly be cameos by certain celebs who are almost certainly just friends of the Coen Brothers. The soundtrack is great and the story, although a bit dumb, still holds your attention.

Overall I give this film an 8 / 10

I am sure some people will shout at me for not giving it a perfect score.


Dude! This movie is hands down one of my favourite movies of all time. I could watch this movie a million times and it will never get old.

well the characters in this film are so expertly drawn that repeat viewings are essential to fully appreciate the sheer number of hilarious players. Bridges, John Goodman and Steve Buscemi are sensational in the leads with their unusual quasi-family dynamic, but there is something to savour in every scene, from the taxi driver with an unhealthy affection for the music of The Eagles to John Turturro’s hysterical turn as Jesus Quintana.

For. Sure.
For. Ev. Er. !!!
"Careful, man. There's a beverage here."

one of the best lines ever spoken in film.. haha

The great aspect about this movie is that the magic resides in its simplicity. I think that was reason why many critics failed to see it at first glance. The Coen brothers normally excel. And with this movie they show how a simpleton man can be likable and even interesting IF some conditions are present.

This movie is a cult classic and while I didn’t appreciate it as much as a kid I do now as an adult! I’m reading this review while enjoying a white Russian and I have to say the dude approves

might want to look again at what you wrote there... haha. not sure the dude would approve of that.

LOL! Damn that autocorrect! IPhone continues to make a fool out of me! I’ve corrected it now! The dude abides

well to be honest the dude might have abided in the original context also. But that is what you get for trusting things made by Apple!

The movie looks interesting @gooddream

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Its Really Definitely one of the best movies ever made. A sequel to this film would do it an injustice. It was meant to be a classic and remain a classic for generations to come.

This Movie one of the best of on 2011 and This Title View More then 2.6M

I believe it's a very funny film and I'm sure it can be rightfully called a comedy, but don't expect punchlines, gags, jokes or slapstick - it's not that kind of comedy. If you want to enjoy this film, you have to meet Jeffery "The Dude" Lebowski on his terms, hang out with him and his bowling buddies and follow them at a their (perhaps somewhat leisurely) pace through this weird and unbelievable tale about nihilism, theft (of a car and, more importantly: a Creedence Clearwater Revival tape), kidnapping.

I haven't seen this movie but I've heard positive thing about it

I find it hard to sit through an entire movie, but since you recommend this one I will check it out. Hope I find it though..

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