Ladyhawke (film): A forgotten 80's gem

in #films5 years ago

I had actually forgotten that Matthew Broderick was in this movie. This was back in what can be considered Broderick's prime and when he was a highly sought after actor for all types of films. The fantasy genre was very popular back in the mid-80's and it seemed like all the big names were trying their hand at films of this sort. I wonder if Conan got it all started... it certainly seems like it did.


This movie was not successful financially and that is just a shame because unlike some of the other fantasy films of the 80's this one really had an engaging story that wasn't just focused on sword fights (not that there is anything wrong with that.)


A very young Matthew Broderick plays a pickpocket named "The Mouse" and he narrowly escapes execution for his crimes and ends up being assisted in his departure by Etienne of Navarre (Rutger Hauer) who is a former Captain in the army of the Bishop of Aquila, who is the baddie in this film.

Etienne is accompanies by a hawk who fights with him and follows him anywhere he goes. This all seems really endearing until one night "The Mouse" wakes up in a camp to see that Etienne is gone and a massive wolf is inside the camp as well as a young woman named Isabeau (Michelle Phieffer) whom the wolf seems to be protecting.


I don't know if you can put the pieces together here but that is all I am prepared to reveal as I think to say more would be to spoil the film. I suppose it would n't be too much of a spoiler because it is revealed in the first 20 minutes or so of the movie.

this trailer is just awful, but we didn't exactly have the best technology back in the 80's and really all trailers kind of were the same - the music in the film is not electro like in the trailer

Overall, i would say that this movie is one of my fondest childhood memories of movies and I watched this film many times because I have always been a fan of the fantasy genre. I don't really think that it has withstood the test of time as some of the special effects in it just seem hokey by today's standards. However, as fantasy films go, I think that the storyline in Ladyhawke is one of the better ones. It is kind of astounding to me that this film lost money.

Watch it if you are a fantasy nerd like me!


My favorite movie when I was nine. I think I mostly enjoyed Mouse's conversations with God.

Even though special effects are not that great on 80's movies, they have the best story lines that are sometimes being recreated on today's movies.

although I generally frown on remakes of classics I would support seeing this one re-done with today's graphical capabilities.

Brother Someone is using you name to scam peoples on many days ago i was cheated by an account who was using your name but luckily I got my account back. You should make an post about your other social platforms usename or link. Thank you!

Bye the way

where can i find the whole movie in different language friend?

well, i don't know who that could be but it isn't me. I have never even used or even knew of its existence until right now. I would never make a post revealing my usernames on any other platform haha.

Yes i also thought that friend that wasn't you so i just told you that be careful. Anyone is misusing your name!

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